Barque of Peter – by Oscar E V Fernando


Barque of Peter – by Oscar E V Fernando

Oscar Fernando

Old Testament Bible-Old as the Hills-or perhaps Oldest-foretold the Christ that came.

Yes, He came: showed His Divinity at age so tender-among teachers of fame.

Lived, Died and Rose to be the subject of Abuse, Disputes Prose and Poetry.

Lived to divulge his Divinity and Initiate a Church on Rock, for Posterity.

Wisdom prompted-nothing human survives with no ‘Corporate Entity’

He Anointed-on Pentecost Day, Mary His Mother and a Body to Rule-with those following him devoutly.

He taught heavenly virtues in parables-no written letter to Rhyme,

And left The Barque of Peter, a Sailing Boat, to PREACH The WORD and Rule over Space and Time.

With Holy Spirit to Guide and no scripted word to read- preached Love and Forgiveness-crisscrossing seas-

To a world so cruel-that worshiped Idol gods and nailed humans hands and feet.

No tooth for tooth as of old but Love-preached to souls fertile,

With space and lapse of time-the Scripted and Inspired Bible-thereafter-was Divinely Styled.

The Barque of Peter-a Sailing Boat- where the Gates of Hell will not prevail-

Is now the Ship with Captain Crew and Passengers with none to derail!

Not Barque-Jet Flights take Pope from Roam to preach the WORD  

To a world lost in a Babble of Tongs Freely Interpreting God’s Word and forming own church

The Caravan, Captain and crew carrying Magisterium, Tradition and Scripture now moving on undeterred-

With sounds of hounds heard around-sounds as old as the Barque of Peter

But Oh! The sounds of hounds alas will cease-if Peter’s Barque Interred-

This behold-will not happen as Gates will not Prevail on this Church or Barque of Peter!

Pity is not that those on rafts around the ship will not be saved by the Just God!

It is that those with frenzied readings may further Split and Blunt the Communal Soul saved by God

Not penetrating deeper into Moralities such as Abortion, Euthanasia- ET AL

Studied in Magisterium guided by Spirit-Tradition and Scripture to end World’s Despair

Yes! That sound so loud! Turmoil-Turmoil on the Ageless Barque!

Know Yea-Satan was closest to Jesus in the Dessert while on Fast

Satan is closest to the Eternal Barque with Anointed though Fallen Man

Amidst Empires of Ancient Power and Fame, Barque of Peter Survived with with One Hierarchy of Man!

Oscar E V Fernando


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