Dr harold Gunatillake

Are you getting enough vitamin A? Written by Dr Harold Gunatillake-Health writer There are 4 fat soluble vitamins- A. D. E. K. They are referred to as fat soluble as fatty acids are required for absorption, in contrast to vitamin C which is water soluble, If you do not eat sufficient fatty food, these fat soluble vitamins may rush through the gut and get excreted. Thus – the importance of including fatty foods in your daily diet. Bile secreted in the liver too helps to absorb fat soluble vitamins, including cholesterol. Further important fact is that fat soluble vitamins are retained and stored in the body and taking too much may lead to toxicity. Further fat soluble vitamins are not destroyed by heat, contrary to the water soluble ones are very unstable and you can take in excess with no toxic symptoms. They are easily destroyed by heat.  We all ...

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Energy production in our Cells and to fight cancer eat less carbohydrates Written by Dr harold Gunatillake-health writer Every cell in our body produces energy for survival. In each cell there is a structure called mitochondrion. In addition to supplying cellular energy mitochondria are involved in other tasks such as signalling cellular differentiation and cell death. Our red blood cells have no mitochondria, whilst the liver cell can have more than 2000. Each cell is composed of a cytoplasm which forms the main cell component, and a central nucleus. Mitochondria are found in the cytoplasm. The nucleus contains the DNA material. Our cells produce energy in two ways: in the presence of oxygen then we call it aerobically or anaerobically in the absence of oxygen. Anaerobic energy production by the mitochondria generates lactic acid which is considered toxic to the body. So we need to breathe in atmospheric air containing ...

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Are you feeling tired all the time? by Dr. Harold Gunatillake Were you been active in life interested in your work, enjoying nature and the birds, spending time with your family, now suddenly lost interest, feel tired and not motivated to do the things you did before? You should not neglect your feeling of tiredness and take it for granted, hoping you’ll feel better soon. You may be too stressed at work and more pressure from your superiors and having sleepless nights can all make you fatigued and tired. If the condition does not improve with time, with your daily routine and participating in activities with your family and relax, you may have an underlying cause and need to see your family doctor. Anaemia can bring about tiredness. With fewer red blood cells in your blood for transporting oxygen through the blood stream to the tissue can bring about tiredness. ...

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Taking Salt In Your Food by Dr. Harold Gunatillake Do you know how much of salt you consume daily in your food, including from sauces, salad dressings, pickles, cheeses and restaurant food among others? There is much salt in your processed foods, canned soups canned tomato sauce, deli meats, smoked fish and dry fish, lunu miris and seeni sambol and all that. Some individuals further add more table salt at the dining table, quite a common habit we see. Do you know that one cup of self-rising wheat flour has heaps of sodium as baking soda and salt? This means that all baked goods you eat; including bread, pasta has lot of hidden salt. Your body needs salt for your muscles, tissues, nerves and circulatory system. Sodium helps to sustain your blood pressure, blood volume and required in the body fluids-intra-and extra cellular to maintain electrolyte balance. ...

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You need to eat anti-inflammatory foods – by Dr. Harold Gunatillake   Inflammatory process in our bodies is a defensive mechanism against infections. How does it happen? As soon as an infection occurs due to some germs in any part of the body- the regional blood vessels promptly expand opening a pathway for the defensive cells and immune cells to get into the focus of infection. There are cells called macrophages that eat up the germs that are causing the inflammatory process. The whole system of this defence process is complicated, but the main fact is that such a system in our body is a great benefit for the elimination of any local inflammatory process. This mechanism can fail due to the overreaction of the immune system and start attacking healthy body tissues. There are certain foods that enhance the defensive mechanism to ward of infections and you should concentrate ...

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Health & Views SupplementAppears in Sunday Leader of 9th April 2017 Minimise Your Processed Red Meat Eating –WHY? by Dr. Harold Gunatillake Red meat has no fibre (soluble or insoluble) a most important ingredient for good functioning of your gut, including the health of trillions of microbiota, living in your gut to look after your health and well-being. Trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) is a molecule produced by the microbes in your large gut when you consume red meat, eggs and dairy. TMOA molecules produced by our healthy bacteria is harmful to our bodies: produces great blood vessel inflammation leading to atherosclerosis (hardening with plaques) including heart disease.   People who suffer from heart disease have very high levels of TMAO and the latter molecule causes blood clots. TMAO causes inflammatory diseases in your large bowel-such as Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, including cancer. Doctors now check for your TMAO level in your ...

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Foods that can cause heartburn by Dr Harold Gunatillake What is heart burn? Acid juice is prevented refluxing into the gullet (oesophagus) by a valvular sphincter mechanism at the lower end of the gullet. The fundus (globe) of the stomach with the lower end of the gullet due to its angular position forms a valve: meaning food entering the stomach is prevented from re-entering the gullet. Acid fluid refluxing into the lower gullet causes inflammation of the inner lining. The nerves are irritated and you experience severe burning feeling with shortness of breath and you panic as it mimics a heart attack. Refluxing at the valve is not common other than in certain situations, such as lying down in supine position, and on the right side. Lying down on your left side prevents such eructation as the acid flows more to the fundus (globe) of the stomach. If you are ...

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