
Why do we need Food when we are hungry? by Dr harold Gunatillake – Health writer We all love food whether we are in the hunger mode or not. Have you ever thought what mechanism works in the body to make you feel hungry? Michael Lowe, a professor of psychology at Drexel University in Philadelphia says this about hunger. “Feeling hungry can mean at least two things, and they are pretty different” There is the traditional concept of hunger when you haven’t eaten for a couple of hours, and you would feel and complain that you are hungry. Children would cry and get irritable when they get the traditional hunger pains. Your stomach start making noises, you find it difficult to concentrate on what you are doing, and the urge for food becomes a priority. Professor Lowe says,” This feeling of hunger stems from your body’s need for calories; the ...

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Is Microwaved Food safe? Written by Dr Harold Gunatillake-Health writer Microwave ovens are designed to cook food through radio-active heat. That does not mean that the food becomes radio-active. The radiation energy is absorbed by the water in each cell of the food such as vegetables or meat. The water molecules vibrate and produce intra-cellular heat which cooks the food. This means that unless there are water molecules in the food you cannot cook in a microwave oven. Fortunately, there is no food that contains no water although some come close. Meat and poultry are composed of naturally occurring water, muscles, connective tissue. The muscle is about 75% water It is important to follow the instructions given by the manufacturers in using the oven to cook food. In the modern ovens used in good condition is safe. When old, there may be a leakage of radiation through a non-fitting door, ...

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Dilara Niriella –  Young Archibald Winner for 2016 Dilara Niriella a Sri Lankan born young artist was announced the winner of  Young Archibald 2016 at a ceremony held at the Art Gallery of NSW on the 17th of October. Her painting of her father will be exhibited at the art gallery till the 9th of October 2016. ...

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MY SENIORS’ WEEK FESTIVAL 2016 STORY – MARIE PIETERSZ  I have always been interested in community work and as an English tutor I have worked with many migrant adults and students. Then an opportunity came along when I was approached to teach dancing to seniors. I thought what a wonderful way it would be for my interests as a dancer, tutor and community worker to come together. Before long I was feeling good about the opportunity to help seniors learn lifelong skills through dancing, one of the best exercises one could claim for everybody, and for seniors to help with memory, fitness, flexibility, freedom of movement and exercises for bone density, through gentle cardio workouts. I have been teaching dancing to seniors now for about 10 years. My voluntary classes at the University of the Third Age have grown, sometimes with a waiting list of over a year to get in. It ...

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Sri Lankan Recipes by Curry Mad – Mango Pudding Ingredients 1 Level Tsp `Agar Agar’ 1 Tin Coconut Milk 3 Ripe Mangoes 1/4 – 1/2 Cup Sugar Preparation Cut the Mango and remove all the flesh and put into a food processor; mix well and put aside. Mix the Agar Agar in a Tblsp of Boiling water in a pan and when it begins to stiffen (A few seconds), add the Coconut Milk and Sugar. Stir until the Sugar is dissolved. Then add the Mango and let it cool for a while. When reasonably firm, garnish with something of your choice and put in a fridge to cool for a few hours. I used a sprig of Mint leaves ...

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Sri Lankan Recipes by Curry Mad – Black Chick Peas Ingredients 1 Cup *Chick Peas 1 Tsp Black Mustard 1 Tblsp Coconut Flakes 1 Sprig Curry Leaves 2-3 Red Chillies Oil for frying Salt to taste Preparation *Can be bought from most Asian or Sri Lankan grocery outlets Soak the Chick Peas in water overnight. In the morning, drain off the water. Break up the Dried Red Chillies and chop the Curry Leaves and put aside. Fry the Mustard in a small pan and when popped, add the Curry Leaves and Dried Chillies. When the mixture is fried, add Salt to your taste and enjoy! Add Salt to suit your taste mix well. Serve your quantity into a bowl and then spread Coconut flakes. Devilled Chick Peas as `Taste’ (`Nibbles’ with alcohol) or as some have it, a Snack! ...

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PROBLEMS WITH PILES by Des Kelly “the Star of eLanka” This writer has heard everything now!. As a former Lead/Rhythm guitarist, over the years, I’ve lost them, had trouble with them, they were either too big or too small, too stiff or too soft, found it very difficult to get one that was “just right”& for my readers who are not musicians, I am talking about “plectrums” or “picks”. These were little pieces of plastic held between thumb and forefinger in order to “pluck” the steel strings to make them more audible to the audience. Sounds extremely “technical” does’nt it? Expert guitarists did’nt need plectrums. They used their fingernails to do the job but I was just an average instrumentalist and have used bloody dozens if the “things”(picks, I mean). What has plectrums got to do with “piles” Des? . Stick to the bloody subject! .My humble apologies folks, piles ...

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High Triglycerides in your blood     by Dr. Harold Gunatillake – Health writer       If your doctor detects high levels of triglycerides in your blood you need to take it seriously. You need triglycerides in your blood for good health, but too much can give you problems. It is another form of fat or lipid in your blood like good and bad cholesterol. They are all one big family and they team up to maintain a reasonable healthy level in your blood. The problem with high triglycerides is that it can raise your risk of heart disease. High triglycerides are a sign of metabolic syndrome, too -composed of high blood sugar, high blood pressure and waist-line obesity. Normally, the triglyceride level in blood is less than 150, and considered high over 200 High triglycerides are found when your diabetes is not well controlled, or you suffer from ...

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  Effective ways to manage home loans better by Alok Das (Disclaimer: This article is intended to deliver some general pieces of information only. Your situation may not necessarily relate to what is contained in it. Before making a decision regarding your home loan, it is recommended that you seek professional advice.) Background Having one’s own home is the most common Australian dream. This dream, in most cases, is achieved through a home loan. In addition, when people want to purchase investment homes that is also achieved through a home loan, often referred to as ‘Investment loan’ or ‘Investment home loan’. In this article I have discussed some ways that you can use to manage a home loan better. By the words ‘manage a home loan better’ I am referring to a few techniques you can use to: 1. decide where to start from 2. decide on the loan amount ...

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