
SUNDAY CHOICE – Loved with Everlasting Love – By Charles Schokman The author of this hymn was George W. Robinson. He based the hymn on Colossians 3:3. (For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.) He is known in hymn history for this one hymn in particular, I Am His and He Is Mine (or Loved with Everlasting Love), published in 1876. He wrote this hymn one year before his death at the age of 39.   I couldn’t find much about Mr. Robinson’s life or death, nor any particular story behind this song.  I don’t know if he died suddenly in a tragic accident, or if he died after an extended battle with illness.  What I do know is that his words reflect a confidence in God.  I really appreciate the confidence that Mr. Robinson speaks of when he talks about whom he belonged to.  His words communicate to me that he ...

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Photos from the Luncheon held at COCO Gabba with the Sri Lankan Community Leaders during Her Excellency the Sri Lankan High Commissioner and her First Secretary’s visit to Brisbane on the 6th and 7th of June 2024   Click here to receive your free copy of the eLanka Newsletter twice a week delivered directly to your inbox! ...

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Noel News Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.  FERRIS BUELLER Good Morning from Perth Because of the way shipping is calculated, I can give you a small discount as well as free shipping on all book bundles. Get the book here with Making Money Made Simple ­$49.99 with Retirement Made Simple ­ $49.99 with Downsizing Made Simple ­$49.99 I also did talk back spots on ABC radio and 6PR and the lines were jammed.  Clearly there’s a great need for advice on estate planning. In the next 20 years over $1 trillion will change hands as the baby boomers die and the best way to dispose of their assets has become a major issue for most retirees. For my presentations I designed an Estate Planning Prompt Sheet which is a great summary of some of the most important issues canvassed in Wills, death & ...

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Record 67% increase in demand for Border-Gavaskar Tests Tickets on opening day of priority sale for Australian Summer 2425   Source: Cricket Australia – CA Multicultural Media (eLanka) Cricket Australia has witnessed an unprecedented surge in ticket demand for the Border-Gavaskar Tests on the first day of sales for the upcoming Australia Cricket Summer. The five-Test NRMA Insurance Border-Gavaskar Trophy series has seen a remarkable 67% increase in demand compared to the previous highest for an India Test series in 2018-19. As expected, Boxing Day at the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) emerged as the hottest property, attracting cricket enthusiasts from all corners. Additionally, the Sydney New Year’s Test, bolstered by the iconic McGrath Day activities, experienced strong ticket sales, reflecting the fans’ eagerness to be part of the annual charitable event. Brisbane also saw a significant uptick in interest, with numerous fans expressing their excitement to revisit the Gabba, where ...

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Elon Musk: the only Earthling who owns a constellation! – By Hemantha Yapa Abeywardena Santa Claus, who annually delights us, both kids and adults alike, appears to be getting a rival for the grand constellation show – finally. There is a new man in town, who claims – quite rightly and legally, of course – that he owns a constellation of satellites. Up until now, theists used to believe only the Almighty owned them – all of them! Elon Musk, who holds the shifting-title, the world’s richest man, undoubtedly is a genius in the calibre of Newton, Tesla, Edison and many more, who helped mankind making progress in leaps and bounds during the passage of time with many things that we take for granted today; if there is sub-species under sapiens in the human taxonomy chain as ‘geniuses’, Mr Musk certainly has an undisputed slot in it. Of course, there ...

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Prof Siri Kannangara – A COLOSSUS, A LEGEND – By Maithri Panagoda AM His high-profile patients are a “Who’s Who” of world champions in different sports around the globe.  The patients adored him, not just as a competent and caring doctor, but as a friend, a mate who could be relied upon when one was confronted with an overwhelming feeling of despair. Observing bodily movements of a patient, he would quickly diagnose the medical condition. With sharp wit and great humour, tempered with a few spicy words, he would then relay any good news as well as bad news in a lighter vein. He was always generous with his time. Prof. Siri Kannangara (“Siri”, as he insisted on being called) has been using his in-depth knowledge and refined skills as a Rheumatologist to help the Australian public, in particular the Sri Lankan community in Australia for over 40 years. A ...

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Idalgashinna: A Hidden Gem in Sri Lanka’s Hill Country – By Malsha – eLanka Image Source : wikipedia The area around Idalgashinna railway station, situated on the upcountry line, is fast becoming a sought-after attraction among both local and foreign tourists due to its scenic beauty. Despite windy and varied climatic conditions, this region is turning into a popular camping site. Nestled amidst the verdant hills of Sri Lanka’s central highlands, Idalgashinna is a tranquil village that captivates visitors with its breathtaking landscapes and serene ambiance. Often overshadowed by more popular destinations like Ella and Nuwara Eliya, this lesser-known gem offers a unique blend of natural beauty, rich biodiversity, and cultural heritage. A Journey Through Scenic Splendor The journey to Idalgashinna is an experience in itself. The village is accessible by the scenic train route from Colombo to Badulla, considered one of the most beautiful train rides in the world. As ...

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Ceylon Society of Australia (CSA) Meeting on Sunday 2 June at 6.30 pm at Pennant Hills Community Centre Prof Buddhima Indraratne and his PhD students at the Talk The CSA was privileged to present internationally recognised high profile speaker Distinguished Professor Buddhima Indraratna, AM, at the 2 June General Meeting of the Society. The subject of the talk was “Challenges and Advances in Transportation Infrastructure with special reference to Railways”. Distinguished Professor Buddhima Indraratna’s contributions to civil and geotechnical engineering, with particular focus on railway engineering, have been acknowledged through many national and international awards.  He was honoured this year with the highly prestigious Ibarra Foundation’s 2024 International Civil Engineer Award. Considered as the Nobel equivalent in the field of Civil Engineering and awarded every 3-4 years, the Award was presented by the Queen of Spain during a formal ceremony in Madrid in May. Prof. Indraratna was the first Australian ...

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Reverse Osmosis Plant project of Sri Lanka-by Admiral Ravindra C Wijegunaratne Source:Srilankaguardian Navy took initiative by designing a low cost RO plant at her Research and Design Wing. The architect of the project was Commander ( then) M C P Dissanayake, (Dissa), Indian trained Marine Engineer. Guess what you see above. It is the GPS location map of indigenously built Reverse Osmosis plants (Water purification plants). 900 plants already installed and working efficiently. Each plant is run by a specially trained sailor. Each plant can provide daily up to 10,000 liters of clean drinking water, better quality than you get in bottled water. So, it’s a island-wide project which provide 9 million liters of clean drinking water daily FREE to general public. Project started after a small discussion at Funeral house of one sailor’s father at Medawachchiya, who died of Chronic Kidney Disease (CDK), a deadly diétese which spread like ...

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