THE LOWEST POINT – by Desmond Kelly This”quote” does not come from this writer, in fact, it comes directly from Steve Smith, Captain of the present Australian Cricket Team, who has just lost a series of cricket, matches played “at home”, against South Africa. ” Losing the “test-series” against S.A., so comprehensively, both abroad and also “at home”, in Hobart, Tasmania is definitely the “low-point” of cricket” said the Australian Captain.,”not good enough” he continued, I need players who will do better”, was Steve’s personal quote on the ABC morning news. Sorry, Steve, you are the “Captain” of the Ship, and when the Ship goes down, the Captain is also just supposed to “go-down” with it & the rest of the crew. You are not supposed to “survive” & blame the rest of your crew for any disaster, whatsoever. If you were able to “save” your team in any shape, manner ...

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TO :- The President & Vice-President-Elect of the USA: DONALD JOHN TRUMP & MICHAEL RICHARD PENCE DONALD JOHN TRUMP IS THE PRESIDENT-ELECT AND IT MAKES PERFECT SENSE WHEN “DON” TAKES A HOLIDAY WE’LL HAVE MICHAEL “DICK” PENCE THE PEOPLE HAVE CHOSEN THESE REPUBLI”CANS” THEY WILL HAVE TO DO “SOMETHING” OR BE “ALSO-RANS’ AMERICA, NOW, IS IN A BIG “FIX” BUT, IF DON’S OUT OF IDEAS HE COULD ALWAYS USE DICK’S E-LANKAN AUSSIES, & ALL OF THE REST WISH THIS AMERICAN “DUO”, ALL OF THE BEST P.S. Everyone knows that ir’s been a tough fight Now everyone expects you to do what is right Life’s very short, in the context of time Make it worthwhile, or it’s not worth a dime. Desmond Kelly. “Star of eLanka” ...

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“How have you spent your “dash”? by Desmond Kelly the Star of eLanka I write of a man who stood to “speak”, at the funeral of a good friend With reference to the “dates” On his tombstone (to-be), from the beginning, right to the end. He noted that first, came the “date of your birth”, then, the date of your death, brought some tears But, what mattered most, this good friend now said was the “dash” that you spent twixt the years For this “dash” represented all of the time, that you spent,while alive on this Earth, and now, only those who loved you the most, knew just what that little “line” was worth For, it matters not, how much you had or you owned, the houses, the cars, or the cash, more importantly,friend, how you lived & you loved, and how, exactly, you spent that “short dash” Now, think ...

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DONALD J.TRUMP TRIUMPHANT. (Pardon the Pun). Congratulations, Mr.President. You came, you saw & you conquered. In what was ultimately a resounding victory, Donald J.Trump has just been nominated as the President-Elect of the United States of America. Nearly all the “political pundits” around the World had it the other way around. Hilary Clinton, a former “first lady”, Democratic “expert” & wannabe first Woman President ever, of the U.S.A., was fully expected to “take over” from President Obama and move into the “White-house” early next year. (2017) It was not to be. This writer is no “political- pundit”, no “pandit”(Professor) , not even a “pundithaya” which is the Sinhala word for “know-all”, but, for anyone with even an ounce of common-sense, the writing was on the wall, in America, & IS on the wall, in many other Countries right now. ...

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 eLanka – Your Life Choice “SPECIAL” Folks, the “Same-Sex” plebiscite in Oz. is no more, by the look of it. People will not be able to “vote” it in or out, not until 2017 or 2018 at least, so let us now change to “Aged-Sex”which, unfortunately, is right up my alley, especially as I am now “aged” myself and, still being “straight”(?), , found the “Sex and Older Women” very interesting indeed, and the “comments” even more so. This “subject” is fraught with “wide & various positions”, please pardon the phrase. With older women, positions do not matter too much. Their problems are, unfortunately more “internal” ones, while older men, especially those with diseases such as “Ankylosin Spondylitis” & other ailments brought on by Mr.Arthur Itis, find that simple “positions” introduced by Missionaries of old are now almost impossible, although this can be remedied by women, who generally want to be ...

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” I TOLD YOU SO ” (Did’nt I? ) by Desmond Kelly “Star of eLanka” I told you so, right from the start, dear I told you so, straight from my heart, dear If we should ever have to part, dear You’d be the first one to know You were unfair, right from the start, dear Now I declare, straight from my heart, dear You played a game, that, was’nt smart, dear And I was the first one to know So, I’m telling you now You broke every vow that you made, to me You displayed to me, a love that was never free And, I’m wondering how You’re feeling now, that you’ve strayed from me Though I proved to be, your one & true love I told you so, now it’s too late, dear I told you so, on our last date, dear We should’nt argue with fate, dear ...

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“GRAVEYARDS, ALL” by Desmond Kelly “Star of eLanka” When we talk of graveyards, our thoughts immediately wander to places like Kanatta in Lanka and, of course, there are many more, even in that little Island, “The botanical – garden Necropolis” in Springvale, Victoria & dozens more in this “giant” of a Country, graveyards here & graveyards there, pleasant places, nowadays, in comparison to the “rat-race” outside, places where “people” can rest, and not have a care in the World anymore. Actually, people are now “dying to get there”. What a morbid way to start a very interesting “story”. Cut it out!!Kelly, & let us get down to the “nitty-gritty” of the “theme”. The following e’mail was sent to me, by another good friend & “entertainer” who, like me is still a long way from the “garden of rest”, because it is also a well-known fact that “only the good, die ...

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“ZIP IT UP” by Desmond Kelly “the Star of eLanka” “KEEP A CEY-LON YOUR LIPS” “Keep a Cey-lon your lips, friends Careless talk, just cost lives Let the “Bees” fly around, folks, Stay away from the hives If you’ve nothing to say, folks, Then say nothing at all Keep “trouble” at bay, friends, Join “eLanka” & simply “stand tall” REMEMBER “There is so much good in the worst of us, And so much bad in the best of us, That it hardly becomes any of us, To talk about the rest of us”. Desmond Kelly “Star of eLanka” ...

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POETRY FOR PEACE The predecessor of “song-writing” for me, has been “poetry”. From a very early age, not only did I enjoy reading good poetry, I started writing my own. Proudly, after coming to Australia, my poetry has not only been “accepted” Internationally, it has been “published” in a beautiful hard-back volume, “The Tide of Hours” featuring the best poets & poetry of 2003. As a result, I was “invited” to the U.S.of A. many times but, because of an extremely busy “work schedule” it was impossible for me to make it to America. The following were a trio of “poems” of mine, submitted. One was “Poetry for Peace”(my advice to the World), & the other”Old Ceylon,my Island of dreams”(later composed as a song,with music added)& to begin with, was “The Butterfly”. Please read and hopefully, enjoy :- “THE BUTTERFLY” Like the wings of a butterfly, emerging at last From ...

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Tribute to Wally Bastiansz by “the Star of eLanka” Desmond Kelly Also known as “The Godfather of Baila” in Sri Lanka, or Ceylon, at the time I was first privileged to meet him in the famous Suburb of Moratuwa, was Ollington Mervin Bastiansz, aka Wally Bastiansz (1913-1985). As I remember it, Wally was a Police Sargeant, a young-looking 33 (with an old guitar), and me, myself,a much younger”wannabe”entertainer, around 10 years of age. We met at the birthday party of a Sinhala friend of mine, who, with me, was a student at St.Sebastian’s College, Moratuwa, at the time. I remember Wally quite well. He was already very well known as “The baila King”, the original one, (because there have been many of them, since), and I think he was thrilled with the fact that this”Lansi-kolla”had come to the party especially to see him perform. Watch / Listen to the song ...

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