CASTRATION WITHOUT HESITATION” by Desmond Kelly “the Star of eLanka” A little 2 year old baby girl SO severely abused physically and sexually that even SENIOR POLICE were aghast with horror(and these are people who see everything in the line of duty), is now in hospital, fighting for her little life. When things like this happen, the SCUMBAGS who are responsible, face Court, and are found GUILTY, should either be sentenced to LIFE without parole, face CASTRATION WITHOUT HESITATION, NOT jailed with ANY consideration for their own safety,simply because the toughest, hardest criminals ABHOR especially CHILD MOLESTORS, and then, let us see how TOUGH these bastards really are, when confronted by someone who is about to bash their “molesting” head in, OR, first, castrated, in prison and if HE/SHE is not an Australian Citizen, “PACKED-OFF” to their own Country Courts, to be “re-tried”” for their sickening crimes & then, hopefully ...
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