Ceylon Hutt, Adelaide – by Joe Paiva ( Adelaide, Australia)

Ceylon Hutt, Adelaide – by Joe Paiva ( Adelaide, Australia)

Ceylon Hutt, Adelaide – by Joe Paiva ( Adelaide, Australia)

Image Source : Ceylon Hut, photographs taken by Paul Lakatos of Adelaide (State Library of South Australia) A special thanks to the State Library of SA for providing access to the above and other photos in this article .

Ceylon Hutt, Adelaide – by Joe Paiva ( Adelaide, Australia)

Ceylon Hut was a well known, popular restaurant, for the eqbittous famous Ceylon Lumpri, ( a delious culinary creation by the Dutch Burgher ladies during the Dutch Colonial times.

Ceylon Hut was the brain child of the Nelson Joseph family of Ceylon, in the early 1960 in the heart of Adelaide CBD.

The restaurant was highly successful for almost 40 years, before it closed in June 2000 when Nayleen (Nelson Joseph’s daughter)and  husband John retired. The Ceylon Hut was a popular lunch-time haunt for many South Australian politicians ( Late Premiers, the likes of charismatic Safari Suited Don Dunstan,  John Bannon, Mike Rann, Steel Hall). It was located in Bank Street, a leisurely short walk

from Parliament House,.North Terrace. The Central railway Station was minutes away.

In the mid 1970s, I worked at Island Air (for a short period ) diagonally across the South Australian Parliment . Therefore rather than have an  Aussie Balfours meat pie and chips. I often went to Ceylon Hut. Unknown to the Dirctor of Home Affairs I tossed my home made sandwiches in the bin.

Ceylon Hutt, Adelaide – by Joe Paiva ( Adelaide, Australia)

I couldnt resist a spicy, hot curry and Yellow rice meal for lunch,  on  a wintery, cold day at Ceylon Hut. Most readers of elanks would know  Sri Lankans eat ‘Rice and Curry’ not ‘Curry and Rice’. if you think about it there is big difference. I happened to see some of the pollies,  I mentioned above, at a VIP table. I even saw some journalists learking in the shadows.

At the same period, late Mrs Helen De Kretser of Gilles Plains( and husband Earl) one of the many, pioneering migrant families in Adelaide , were the only other provider (on a very small commercial scale ) of the authentic Dutch Burgher,  Laumpri, Patties, Rolls, Bola Cutlets,  Malu Miris filled with meat/ fish, Egg Clares and Kisses.

I must say, without any hesitation Helen’s Lumpries were the very best at that time.

Others paled into insignificance because Helen prepared them with much passion and love. Earl her husband was the loyal Kitchen Cleaner,Washer upper. I gathered Helen was the Boss. Earl just followed orders in Helen’s kitchen as most husbands do.

Ceylon Hutt, Adelaide – by Joe Paiva ( Adelaide, Australia)

Right behind the couple dancing is the then Premier John Bannon ( in a fawning suite & black tie).

Earl often quitely cajoled me.

into his den for a quick shot of Scotch & Soda.. While my wife conducted business with the  CEO cum Operations Manager, Helen

Helen nor my wife were non the wiser of our escapes, under the guise of looking at the backyard veggie garden/ Chickens.

Earl had many egg laying chooks in his backyard.. He supplied  some fresh vegetables and endless supply   of eggs for Helen’s kitchen. Surplus brown eggs were avaible for sale. The yokes of Earl’s fresh eggs were deep orange in colour.

Earl was  a way ahead of the times then. He adopted sustainable methods to support Helen’s catering business.  Kitchen scraps were fed to free range, happy chickens. Chicken manure was used to fertilize his vegetable garden. Well the vegetables supplied Helen’s kitchen.  The cycle went on. The supply chain of delicious  sensory cusine from Helen’s kitchen.

During a social chat with Helen and Earl, I learnt that the De Kretsers supplied short eats and lunches for the then BRC ( Burghur Cricket Recreation Club)  during interclub cricket encounters at Havelock Park, Colombo.

The Havelock Road, a strategic highway leading to Thimbrigasya, Kirillapone and Nugegoda ran adjacent to the BRC.

The CCC ( Colts Cricket Club) and Havelocks ( Havies Rugby Club) quite close to the BRC

Ceylon Hutt, Adelaide – by Joe Paiva ( Adelaide, Australia)

Once Helen De Kretser hung up her apron.

The demand for Helen’ declious cusine was still running hot. Helen had spoilt the Ceylonse despors in Adelaide  with her love for cooking.

Christine Walker ably assisted by her husband, Hughe stepped into Helen’s shoes.

For while Christne became Helen and Hughe became Earl.  An amazing coincidence and progression.

Sadly Helen and Earl are no longer with us.

Ceylon Hutt, Adelaide – by Joe Paiva ( Adelaide, Australia)

Joe Paiva


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