“ELVIS IN CONCERT” – by Des Kelly

“ELVIS IN CONCERT” – by Des Kelly

Many of you Elvis Enthusiasts have already seen Elvis in action, I am sure, but, while watching You-Tube, just a few hours ago, I suddenly saw this particular introduction to an Icon that will never be forgotten

which said ELVIS IN CONCERT.

77 Full Concert (Multi-Camera)16.9

HD REMASTER)EDIT. A new experience. Enjoy. 

Alex Darcy.871K views-Published on 31 May 2018., to be exact, so I decided to watch it. I was more than happy that I DID WATCH IT.

This is why I have decided that our Members & Readers of e’Lanka, given the chance, should also take in the magnificent talents of Elvis, the undoubted King of Rock n Roll,

in what was his final farewell to his millions of fans, the writer being one of them.   Please understand, people. This ‘Show’ is quite a lengthy one, so please watch it when you have the time to spare, because once you start watching it, you will NOT want to miss a second of it. 

It took place in 1977, the year in which he sadly passed on, later, so it was also his FINAL CONCERT.

Elvis had by now, put on quite a lot of weight, and this is easy to see.

He was looking tired & perspiring even before he started, but once he did, the smile, (for the ladies), the inimitable ‘Shownanship’, the full control of his band and back-up Artistes, the voice, EVERYTHING, was a sight to behold. At one point he introduced his Dad, on stage briefly. He was audibly panting, after each number he did, even singing “My Way”, well enough for Frank Sinatra (The Voice), to applaud, had he been there. 

ELVIS PRESLEY would have to be the greatest, most unforgettable “STAR OF SHOWBIZ” BAR-NONE”.


Desmond Kelly.

(Editor-in-Chief) e’Lanka.

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