FIGHTING FIRE WITH FIRE – by Desmond Kelly ‘the star of eLanka’

FIGHTING FIRE WITH FIRE – by Desmond Kelly ‘the star of eLanka’

At last, akin to the Earth’s Atmosphere, the “Cold Wars”” like everything else, are getting “warmer” with each passing day. Rhetoric is fine, damned diplomatic solutions are possible only when there are “dinkum bloody diplomats” to solve all the complex situations around the Earth at the moment. Everywhere one looks, there are “WARS” being Waged, Innocents & children being Indiscriminately killed, limbs being smashed to smithereens by landmines, starvation, homelessness, refugees in their thousands, simply trying to re-livel their lives in a foreign Country after being kicked out of their own, a sad World indeed. Things couldn’t get much worse. We thought “Adolph” was bad. but he pales into insignificence beside all these so-called despots. Irresponsible World leaders who are now flaunting Nuclear Missles, Suicide Bombers who are killing themselves as they kill others, Terrorists trying  their best to terrorize anyone who doesn’t agree with their “terror-tactics” The 20th Century was bad, the 21st, so far, worse, so where does it go to from there? .

          On the “other side.of the fence”, or the “flip-side” of the coin, if you like, WHAT have all “Our Orators” been doing? , Really, nothing much at all, if anything. “Santimonious -Sanctions”, (“Oh, we know how much they crave pig-flesh, so let’s make sure they don’t have any pork on their forks, or whatever! , that’ll teach them”!), Talk, talk, talk, yap yap, crap. Countries, Western, Eastern, Southern, Northern, African, Asian, you nane it, their “Ambassadors” all gather at this huge table,  everything found, Air-fares paid by hard-working tax payers in the various Countries, so these intelligent folk MIGHT just be able to solve some of these problems. Well, at least, one important problem HAS been solved. The date of the NEXT MEETING has been decided.! To me, they are not the “United Nations” they are the “Useless Nincompoops” who cannot seem to solve ANYTHING. Anyone can talk. “doing” is the big problem here.

          Then, in comes the brand new President of the United States of America, recently “disunited”but still the most powerful Country on this “big blue ball”.
President Donald Trump. This writer was not too impressed with the entire Presidential Election that gave the “Social-Media” of the World all the “scoops” they could ever wish for. Even he, President Trump was noticably surprised to get that “seat” in the Oval Office, but, get into the office, he did. It certainly helps when one is a “billionaire”,  to get certain things done, but although I am NO mathematician, I doubt that ANYONE, even a multi-billionaire or “trillionaire” would want to take on Donald Trump’s job at the moment..

         Everything was quiet for a while. I had a strange feeling that this President was going to need regular physiotherapy for carpal-tunnel syndrome affecting his “document-signing” hand. Everyone in the World has now seen his “signature”& it is a long one.

It has been just a short while since Mr.Trump took office, however,  and I was beginning to think that the same “blaze” attitudes were starting to creep into his Presidency. Wars were still raging, “do-gooders” were sincerely trying to stop them, to no effect. Australia got involved as well. Military Air-Force “Bombers” were in action, North & South Korea were “at-it” again. Then, suddenly, “Nerve-Gas” bombs were exploded in Syria and,  unlike most other “bombs” that will kill you outright, these bloody terrible missiles of destruction have their victims gasping for breath for some terrible time before they  succumb. Therefore, to watch babies & little tots suffering in Syria during the past week was having a really bad effect on me. It must have had the same effect on the President of the United States too and, to give him his due, CONGRATULATIONS MR.PRESIDENT, YOU HAVE MADE COUNTLESS PEOPLE HAPPY BY ORDERING AN ALL-OUT ATTACK ON THE CRUEL  PERPETRATORS OF THIS DASTARDLY CRIME. The “top-brass” will undoubtedly plead “not guilty” but there was a “saying” I well remember from my days in the Royal Ceylon Navy, The “Captain”  of the Ship holds the ultimate responsibility for his “crew”. If the Ship goes down, the Captain MUST go down with it.

Unfortunately, more Civilian-lives are in danger too, but there is not much more that we can do, with the execption of FIGHTING FIRE WITH FIRE.
                                                                   Desmond Kelly.
                                                                  “Star of e’Lanka”.

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