CAVALIERS OR COWARDS? Reluctant, though I was, I watched 4 Corners recently, very nearly the entire programme showing the SHAMELESS, SADISTIC,SLAUGHTER of beautiful “wild-life” by COWARDS posing as gallant CAVALIERS.  If these “S.S.SODS” even imagined themselves to be another “modernized” Platoon of one Adolph Hitler, I have to inform them that, cruel as they were, the S.S. & even their inglorious leader who treated his German Shepherd Dogs with kindness, would not have used their powerful firearms to shoot, maim & kill lions, tigers, bears, & even elephants, to name just a few, simply for the THRILL of killing these innocent creatures of God, then proudly posing with the sad, mutilated bodies, pretending to be CAVALIERS. ...

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