“SHE’S XI JINPING & SHE CAN SING” Is there ANYTHING that the Chinese CANNOT DO ??. Forget about their “Trade-Wars”, forget about Thousands of Chinese Military Men marching as ONE, forget about the fact that THEY can supply ANYBODY with ANYTHING they want, faster & cheaper than ANYONE else can, simply because of their mammoth Population/Workforce, who labour on a pay-scale at least 75% lower than most other Western Countries, forget about the South China Seas, and how much of that Ocean BELONGS to them, forget about the fact that part of their belongings now include the little Suburb of Hambanthota, in Sri Lanka, & who knows, where else ?, forget about CHINA, altogether, and focus on this young, pretty Chinese lass, the daughter of the present President Ping, a girl who can really SING, & I can certainly vouch for that, having heard this present recording, sent to ...

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