Health and views – Christmas issue 2017 – By Dr Harold Gunatillake May I wish all of you who have supported me ‘For the sharing & Caring’ by circulating these collections of Health issues and articles to benefit so many readers over the years. Our readership is over 11,000 world-wide with the support of ‘eLanka web-site’ authored by Neil Jayasekera (Sydney), & by Desmond Kelly & Victor Melder (Melbourne) Merry Christmas Cheers with a glass of red wine Harold ...

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Sri Lanka Association of NSW (Sydney) Inc – Open day for Seniors -monthly event – produced by Dr Harold Gunatillake Sri Lanka Association of NSW (Sydney) Inc. recognizes the community service and the contribution the seniors have rendered during their active life.. To reciprocate that gesture the committee of the Association organizes a monthly function a day of reunion. This video is all about the fun activities they enjoy. Video produced by Dr Harold Gunatillake.   ...

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Why should you eat high fibre foods? – Written by Dr Harold Gunatillake Health writer Carbs with the high GI (glycaemic index), when digested in your gut, elevates your blood sugar. We call this, ”spiking blood sugar”. If your pancreas is making enough insulin there is no issue, the blood sugar level will come down to fasting levels within about two hours. If you do not secrete sufficient insulin, the absorbed sugar will remain in your blood and elevate your blood sugar level. This is exactly what happens in diabetes. Non-diabetics also shows high blood sugar levels after consuming carbs, but within two hours the level comes down to fasting levels. ‘Glucose tolerance test’ done to check for diabetes is based on this rationale Fibre found in high fibre foods is an indigestible form of carbohydrate and it does not get absorbed but passes through the large bowel as bulk in ...

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Coconut industry going round its second beating Written by Dr Harold Gunatillake FRCS, FICS, FIACS, MB,BS, AM (Sing)-health writer   The first beating occurred during the late fifties when Ansell Key from Pennsylvania concocted data on the death from coronary heart disease and fat consumption from 22 countries, but he selected 7 countries which supported his theory that animal fat was the main cause of coronary heart disease Coconut oil prior to 1980 was popular in North American kitchens for hot food preparations, baking cookies and making fabulous pie crusts. About the same period North American vegetable oil producers envied the huge business and started condemning all saturated fats by applying faulty science, the Corn Products Company and American Soybean Association started negative public campaigns aimed at brainwashing the general public and the fast food industry in to thinking polyunsaturated oils were a better choice for frying. Corn oil and ...

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Nocturnal pains in the stomach Written by Dr harold Gunatillake FRCS, FICS (US), FIACS (US), MB,BS (Cey), AM (Sing) Health writer We all get some gripe or a dull ache in our stomachs in the night time when the whole world sleeps. It is annoying and disturbing and you may go through a sleepless night. So, let us discuss some of the causes, and your stomach ache should fit into one of them. Eating too much close to bedtime in most people makes them sleep well, but others feel the discomfort of fullness. Especially, when you are lying down, the gastric juice containing acid can travel back (reflux) up the digestive tract. Sometimes, this could bring pressure on the diaphragm- the partition between the abdominal cavity and the chest wall, and give rise to a temporary hiccup.   Lord Buddha was on the spot when he directed the monks to ...

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Dilemma of the PSA test to detect Prostatic Cancer Written by Dr. Harold Gunatillake FRCS, FICS, FIACS, MB, BS, AM (Sing)-Health writer When you are over 40, the doctors’ advice you to have a PSA test to check and record the number as your base, for future comparisons. If there is a history of prostate cancer in the family, you are advised a test yearly. If you do not have a family history and your first PSA test is low, then your doctor will advise you to get a test done every three years. If the first reading is high or subsequent readings reveal a progressive increase in the numbers, the problems arise. It is a dilemma for the patient, family doctor and the specialist to evaluate and manage such cases. ...

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The humble cucumber and human relationship Written by Dr harold Gunatillake-health writer When we discuss superfoods and those ingredients that make such foods, from unprocessed grains, crucifers, fish, and fruits, you totally exclude a cooling veggie like Cucumber- anti-inflammatory to the hilt and full of nutrients. You remember the old idiom, ”cool as a cucumber” is quite appropriate when it comes to cooling the body. Store sliced cucumber in your fridge, to be available when required. During mid-night, if you suffer from heartburn, obviously after a binge night, open your fridge and eat a few slices of cooling cucumber to cool your inner lining of your stomach. If you need further cooling, adding a few teaspoons of low fat, unsweetened Greek type of yogurt, onto your cucumber slices would make it more tasty and effective. There are very few foods as cool as cucumber. Cucumbers could be stored in the ...

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Health tip for the Day by Dr harold What is Nitric Oxide? by Dr Harold Gunatillake The benefit to mankind about Nitric oxide was known even 100 years ago when Alfred Nobel, the founder of the Nobel Prize was prescribed nitro-glycerine for his heart attack which relieved him. The doctors at that time did not know that it is the release of nitric oxide that relaxed the coronary vessels and gave relief. Even today, nitro-glycerine combination is available in pill form and spray to use by diagnosed angina pectoris patients. It is a safe idea without swallowing a tablet of aspirin when you experience chest pain whilst driving your vehicle, to carry with you a nitro-glycerine spray. Readers must take this note seriously for instant survival.   Do not confuse nitric oxide with nitrous oxide or laughing gas the anaesthetists use to sedate you before surgery. Nitric oxide molecule is ...

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Your daily stress is related to Cortisol hormone Written by Dr harold Gunatillake-health writer Cortisol is a hormone secreted by the adrenal glands sitting on top of your kidneys, and its secretion is related to stressful situations in your daily life. It is also called the stress hormone which helps you to balance your hormones and achieve good health. Not only stress levels, cortisol seems to help regulate blood sugar levels, metabolism and also reduce inflammation like extinguishing an internal fire. One wouldn’t survive without this fine tune mechanism in our body. Excess cortisol is secreted even without stress in a condition called Cushing’s syndrome due to a tumour in the adrenal glands or the organ that stimulating it‘s secretion–the pituitary gland. In Cushing’s syndrome you tend to put on weight in the face, abdomen and the chest. The arms and legs become wasted and slender compared to the core ...

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