Focus on The Small Picture – By Lucky Karunaratne Counsellor, Growth Coach and Member- Australian Counselling Association and Counselling- Victoria Website:      Email: How often have you been told of the importance of  setting big goals ( I believe the acronym is BHAG ie Big Hairy Audacious Goals ) and looking at the big picture? It is supposed to inspire you and energise you to reach those all important goals . Inspiring as it sounds there is a major problem with this approach. Very often this strategy leads to being overwhelmed and inadequate. Intimidated even.  The goal seems so far away from where the person is at this moment and totally unattainable. It brings about a feeling of discouragement and negative questions keep popping up in one’s mind. Like “ I could never do that”. I’m just not good enough or strong enough or talented enough or committed enough. Let me give ...

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