“GOOD FRIDAY” by Des Kelly I write this in dedication to Jesus of Nazareth, the son of a Carpenter, Joseph, & a Mother, Mary, Immaculate, also known to all Christians as the “Virgin Mary”, around 2000 years ago. Jesus, a Nazarine, was, is, and always will be known as the Son of God, except, of course, to the atheist who does not believe in any God, but this writer, unworthy, though I am, have always believed that, in two simple words, “God Is”. I am a Roman Catholic, only by name, perhaps, but still, when I have needed HIS help, HE has never disappointed me, because I talk with HIM, and beg  God to, not only help me, but others who also need this Divine God Almighty to assist them as they go through life. Anyway, this is my personal dedication to Jesus, the Man, who lived for just 33 ...

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