Enchanting Ella – Sri Lanka – By Dr Harold Gunatillake Website: www.Doctorharold.com Transcript: It is a unique mountainous site, like no other holiday resort. Sri Lanka has become a popular tourist destination due to its many sites and attractions. Historical landmarks and some of the world’s best beaches are available on this Indian Ocean Island. Ella, a once-sleepy town surrounded by verdant mountains, is now a sensation and an excellent place for hikers of all ages. Ella offers a variety of activities, such as hiking, exploring the countryside, visiting waterfalls and temples, and enjoying stunning scenery. Hotels, bars, and restaurants are available for tourists, and you can still find a hotel of your choice on side streets. Ella Rock is one of the most beautiful viewpoints in Sri Lanka. It offers a breathtaking view of Hill Country, and you can hike to the peak for a great experience. Ravana Pool ...

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