Motivation for Health and Wellness: A Journey to a Better You – By Nadeeka – eLanka In the hustle and bustle of modern life, it’s easy to overlook our most valuable asset: our health and wellness. We often find ourselves caught up in a never-ending cycle of work, stress, and distractions, neglecting the very foundation of a fulfilling life. But it doesn’t have to be this way. In this article, we’ll explore the profound journey of motivation for health and wellness, unlocking the secrets to becoming a healthier, happier, and better you. 1. The Power of Purpose Motivation for health and wellness begins with a clear sense of purpose. What drives you to prioritize your well-being? Is it the desire to live a long, active life, to be there for your loved ones, or simply to feel your best every day? Identify your purpose, and let it fuel your motivation. ...

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Do you choose Illness or Wellness? By Dr. Sophie Jayamaha Source : Dæhæna – Monthly e-Newsletter November 2022 – Queensland Sri Lankans Health and wellness is not just absence of disease, but it is a process of maintaining a good working order. Do you maintain your car to keep it in a good condition so that it doesn’t fail to function suddenly. Needless to say, the most valuable asset you have is not your car even if you own the most valuable car in the world. Your most valuable asset is your body because once it is damaged or fails to function, you can’t get a new model. Just the way you service your car regularly and check oil levels and do other maintenance, your body also requires certain maintenance work. Lifestyle Medicine is the science of maintaining your body and mind in optimum condition. One has to gain knowledge, develop ...

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