“THE OLDER YOU GET” – by Des Kelly “Live & let die, is another phrase less frequently around us these days, simply because all the youngsters around us elders are already living life to the full, anyway and do not even bother with English Phrases & things. Thank you, Keith for these excellent hints for ALL elderly people. We will surely read them and try to remember them, as much as possible. Desmond Kelly. (Mr.Music) (Editor-in-Chief)… e’Lanka. FOR ELDERS FROM AGES 45 TO 100 YEARS – HEALTH HINTS ****************** However busy you are, observe all these to remain healthy:  :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Drink less milk in your tea. Instead, add lemon or lime juice. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In the day time, drink more water; but night time, drink less.  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In the day don’t drink more than 2 cups of coffee, Advisable To Stop Completely too. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Eat less oily foods.  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Best sleeping ...

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