“THE AGE OF INNOCENCE & THENCE-FORTH”. – By Noor Rahim As is my routine, in retired life; I sit relaxed on the porch and watch the clouds roll by. For want of something better to do, my mind as usual, wanders into the “reminiscing mode”. Reversing right back into the past; and thence-forth back again into the “comparison mode”, to that of the present day experiences. I feel lucky and very fortunate indeed that I was born 8 and a half decades ago; when the “Age of Innocence” was a fact and ruled the roost. In comparison I find and lament, that this is hardly so in the present days. I now wonder in amazement if the “Age of Innocence” is almost fictional or just one of those periods that has phased away with time. The only exception I believe is in the “eyes of the Law” where it is ...
Jun 20, 2023
Articles, Noor Rahim
Tagged Age of Innocence, community, eyes of the Law, global economy, human and spiritual values, life, Modern Society, Noor Rahim, retired life, society, visual entertainment