Reminiscing Dr. Lionel Algama: Music Maestro,  Gifted, Innovative Musician, with Multiple Talents – By Sunil Thenabadu in Brisbane Image Source : dailynews Dr. Lionel Algama the renowned and gifted musician, innovator teacher and composer passed away in the wee hours of Sunday at a private hospital after a brief illness. He was 74 years old at the time of his untimely demise on the 18th May 2008. He was a contemporary of famous musicians Dayananda Gunawardena and Pandit Amaradeva. In addition he was a ‘A’ grade singer, in Hindustani and Bengali as well, examiner, ‘A’ grade instrumentalist in ballet – stage – films – Teledrama – director, conductor, inventor of the original instrument called the ‘Soorthar’ and the sophisticated ‘Sree Veena’ which took him about 15 years to perfect. He made an enthralling demonstration of the ‘Sree Veena’ as far back as 1979 at a musical recital at the Bharathiya Vidya Bhawan (UK Centre), ...

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LEGENDARY INDRANI PERERA REMINISCED AFTER SIX DECADES OF DOMINANCE IN MELODIC ARENA – by Sunil Thenabadu Indrani Perera is the celebrated Sri Lankan singer and playback singer labeled as the “Nightingale of Sri Lankan music” who was along with Clarence Wijewardena and Annesley Malewana are known as the “Original Sinhala Pop Trio”. She was born in Borella ,a resident of Rajagiriya is the second of three girls in the family. Her father, Abeypala Perera was a Buddhist, mother, Muriel Perera was a Christian. She has one elder sister, Mallika and one younger sister, Iranganie. Indrani studied at Presbyterian Girls School in Regent Street., Clifford Girl’s College and later at Stafford College to study medicine having been interested to be a doctor. Indrani had been an avid reader focusing mainly on Martin Wickremasinghe’s novels. She had studied Kandyan Dancing in the school but had been following, singing mainly English songs.  Her sister Mallika ...

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REMINISCING Dr. LIONEL ALGAMA, MUSIC MAESTRO ON HIS 14TH DEATH ANNIVERSARY – by Sunil Thenabadu   18TH OF March 2022 marks the14th death anniversary of Dr. Lionel Algama the renowned, gifted and multifaceted Musician, Innovator of musical instruments, Teacher, Conductor and Composer of music passed away on the 18th of March 2008. He was 74 years old at the time of his demise after a brief illness.  He was a contemporary of famous musicians in the likes of legendary Dayananda Gunawardena, Premasiri Khemadasa and Pandit Amaradeva. In addition he was an acclaimed ‘A’ grade singer, in Hindustani and Bengali as well, Examiner of music , ‘A’ grade Instrumentalist in ballet – stage – films – Tele-drama – Director, Conductor, Inventor of the original instrument called the ‘Soorthar’ and then the more sophisticated ‘Sree Veena’.  He successfully wrote two theses for his doctorate, the first of which was Teaching of Music and the other was ...

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REMINISCING Dr. LIONEL ALGAMA, MUSIC MAESTRO ON HIS 14TH DEATH ANNIVERSARY  – by Sunil Thenabadu 18TH OF March 2022 marks the14th death anniversary of Dr. Lionel Algama the renowned, gifted and multifaceted Musician, Innovator of musical instruments, Teacher, Conductor and Composer of music having passed away on the on the 18th March 2008 . He was 74 years old at the time of his demise after a brief illness.  He was a contemporary of famous musicians in the likes of legendary Dayananda Gunawardena, Premasiri Khemadasa and Pandit Amaradeva. In addition he was an acclaimed ‘A’ grade singer, in Hindustani and Bengali as well, Examiner of music , ‘A’ grade Instrumentalist in ballet – stage – films – Tele-drama – Director, Conductor, Inventor of the original instrument called the ‘Soorthar’ and then the more sophisticated ‘Sree Veena’.  He successfully wrote two theses for his doctorate, the first of which was Teaching of Music and the ...

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REMEMBERING Dr. LIONEL ALGAMA, MUSIC MAESTRO ON HIS 13TH DEATH ANNIVERSARY  – by SUNIL THENABADU In Brisbane Australia  18TH OF May2021 scripts the13th death anniversary of Dr. Lionel Algama the renowned, gifted and multifaceted Musician, Innovator of musical instruments, Teacher, Conductor and Composer of music passed away on the 18th of May 2008. He was 74 years old at the time of his demise after a brief illness.  He was a contemporary of famous musicians in the likes of legendary Dayananda Gunawardena, Premasiri Khemadasa and Pandit Amaradeva. In addition he was an acclaimed ‘A’ grade singer, in Hindustani and Bengali as well, Examiner of music , ‘A’ grade Instrumentalist in ballet – stage – films – Tele-drama – Director, Conductor, Inventor of the original instrument called the ‘Soorthar’ and then the more sophisticated ‘Sree Veena’.  He successfully wrote two theses for his doctorate, the first of which was Teaching of Music and the other was Development of the Chordophones in East and West in the ...

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