A DAY IN THE LIFE OF A CEYLONESE – By Jayam Rutnam I was weened on LACTOGEN powdered milk when I was a baby. I was also given WOODWARDS GRIPE WATER. Now I am in my teens. Woke up this morning, I was sleeping on a mattress made by ARPICO. I listened to Reddifusion, because my GRUNDIG radio was broken. Washed my face with RANI SANDALWOOD SOAP. The servants wash in SUNLIGHT SOAP. Brushed my teeth with PEPSODENT. Put BRYLCREAM and combed my hair. I put a dab of CUTICURA powder on my face. I put on my VELONA banian. I wore my HENTLY shirt since my MANHATTEN shirt was being dry cleaned at SITLANIS as BURTOLS was closed for the day. I put on my BATA shoes. I walked through the hall which was being polished with CARDINAL POLISH. I then had a breakfast of toast with CHIVERS MARMALADE JAM and another ...