THE PROPRIETARY PLANTER -AN EXTINCT-by Hugh Karunanayake Source:Island The colonial history of Sri Lanka is characterised by the partial control of the country by the Portuguese and the Dutch, and complete control by the British. In the broader context of the colonisation of the South of the globe by the North, Sri Lanka together with British India were “transient” colonies as compared to the “settler” colonies of Africa, Australia, and the Americas. While the Portuguese and the Dutch were interested in the cinnamon that grew naturally in the island, they did not have access or control of the mid or high country of the island which were controlled and came under the suzerainty of the Sinhalese kings. Furthermore, the vast expanse of the country’s hinterland excepting the ‘dry zone’ was under thick forest cover. No attempt was made by either the Portuguese or the Dutch to engage in systematic cultivation ...
Jan 22, 2024
Articles, Hugh Karunanayake
Tagged Ceylon Estates Proprietary Association, Mr Gordon Bois