Effects Of Chiromancy Or Palmistry – By Dr Tilak S. Fernando Ceylon Today, January 6- 2023. Chiromancy or palmistry is a skill of evaluating a person’s character or future by “reading” the palm of an individual’s hand. The heart line, head line, lifeline, etc., and the mounds immediately appearing under the base of each finger suggest elucidations by their relative sizes, qualities, and intersections. Some palm readers observe the characteristics of the fingers, fingernails, fingerprints, skin patterns, skin texture and colour, the palm’s shape and the hand’s flexibility. Basic palmistry is entrenched in Greek mythology, where every area of the palm is related to a god or goddess. Those who dabble in palmistry without proper knowledge of the subject tend to accuse the entire Science. Different schools of thought indicate that the right hand predicts the future, whilst the left is considered the one which is inborn with, or what ...

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Palmistry by Des Kelly With the current state of Politics in Australia, I have decided not to get a manager, but take things into my own hands and share my knowledge of the above, especially with all the readers of eLanka, everywhere. Nobody is any the wiser about WHO is going to be the 30th Prime Minister of Australia, so what better than going to see a “Palmist” or “Fortune-teller” , as we called them, in Lanka, to find out WHO is going to screw us, the Public, come next September. Important, though, to find a really good one (Palmist, I mean). Everyone knows that the general characteristics may be told by the shape, texture, and general lines of the hand ; and I shall endeavour to explain the most essential elements of that science, so that ANYONE can practise and acquire considerable knowledge of the character of another, without ...

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