Palmistry by Des Kelly

Palmistry by Des Kelly

With the current state of Politics in Australia, I have decided not to get a manager, but take things into my own hands and share my knowledge of the above, especially with all the readers of eLanka, everywhere.

Nobody is any the wiser about WHO is going to be the 30th Prime Minister of Australia, so what better than going to see a “Palmist” or “Fortune-teller” , as we called them, in Lanka, to find out WHO is going to screw us, the Public, come next September. Important, though, to find a really good one (Palmist, I mean).

Everyone knows that the general characteristics may be told by the shape, texture, and general lines of the hand ; and I shall endeavour to explain the most essential elements of that science, so that ANYONE can practise and acquire considerable knowledge of the character of another, without reading through long works, ot several “tomes” on this fascinating subject.

If the flesh (of the hand involved), is pink and the lines clearly marked, this denotes good health. If the skin becomes yellow when the hand is pressed back, this denotes poor circulation, and bad health.

If the fingers are long, thin, & tapering, this, is an indication of an artistic, aesthetic temperament. If they are square? , and rather thick, this denotes a practical person with commonsense and a taste for mechanics or similar pursuits. If the first (index) finger curves inward, toward the second (middle) finger, this indicates a money-loving (tight-arse) nature, sometimes also known as a “grasping” tendency.

If the 2nd joint of the thumb (that is the one nearest to the hand, numbskull), is thin, having a small “waist”, this denotes great tact. If this joint is very long, it denotes great reasoning and logical powers. If the first joint (the one containing the nail) is long, this denotes great strength of “will”.

If the space between the 1st & 2nd finger is large, this denotes independence of of “action”, also indicates an action of “insult”. If the space between the third & fourth finger is very large, this denotes independence of thought. These are “good” signs.

If the mount at the base of the thumb is large & full, this is indicative of a loving, passionate disposition.

If it is small and flat, it denotes a cold, hard, nature.

If the mount, or cushion, on the opposite side of the palm (that is near the wrist on the side of the little finger), is large, this denotes a pugnacious, aggressive disposition.

The “Mount of Jupiter” is at the base or root of the index finger. Excessively developed, means an arrogant, over-bearing disposition. Undeveloped, a lack of self-esteem; normally developed, a happy, successful life. The “Mount of Saturn” , at the base of the 2nd finger, if there is none, it denotes a mediocre, dull life, if excessively developed, a morbid, activity and excitement in dealing with things, if normally developed, it indicates extreme sensitiveness and a love of solitude. The “Mount of the Sun” is at the base of the third finger. If abnormally large, a sign if vanity, if very small, a dull, inartistic personality, if normally developed, success & fame.

“The Mount of Mercury” , at the root of the little finger, if very large, denotes a crafty and deceitful disposition, if very small, it denotes inability to cope with situations & undertake business of any kind, successfully, if normal, a very gifted individual, excelling in the Sciences, Art, & Literary world.

The “line of life” is the most important line in the hand. It lies around the Mount of Venus, the Mount at the base of the thumb. If long & thin, a life of healthy activity may be expected, uninterrupted by illness & terminating in a happy old age. If the line rises near the line of the head, this means that life is governed by the head. If this line is short, a short life is indicated.

If the “Life-line” is all broken up and chained, it means many troubles & illnesses.

The “Line of the head” is the first of two great lines running across the palm of the hand. (the one nearest the wrist). If long & straight, it denotes a fine mentality, a good head for Science, Literature, etc. If short & broken, it indicates either mental problems or a lack of good brain-power. The “Line of the heart” lies about half an inch above the “Head-line”, also crossing the palm and nearer the fingers. If this is straight, deep and well-defined, a strong lasting love will rule the life. If it is short, the live will be cut short by some unforseen accident. If “chained” , this denotes a number of small “love- affairs” in your early life.

If the head & heart lines run together, beware. Your heart will generally rule your head.

The “Line of fate” runs straight up the centre of the palm, from the wrist to the 3rd finger, usually. If long and straight, a splendid future is assured. If lacking, in your hand, not much fame will be yours.

The inability to bend back the thumb, shows obstinacy. Passion is a tyrant which slays those whom it governs.
All the above palmistry refers to both men & women.

If my eLanka readers can understand it all, they will then be able to comprehend everything that is happening in the Australian Government, at the moment. Pardon me, but the Palmist who gave me all the above advice, had this special “bit” for women only.
“A good wife must be grave,abroad, wise, at home, patient to suffer, constant to love, friendly to all (?), and provident to her household” (what a nice thought, guys)!!.


desmond kelly
Desmond Kelly
Star of eLanka

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