Life’s Last Leg……… – By Amar Deep Dixit Source : You are lost in yourself, It’s you that you can’t find, You have done the wrong, What punishment  you will give? You’re chasing your own shadow, Whom you are trying to overtake, You lived your life, And now you’re going to understand what  is life . What ever you got  from this world , The same  you are going to return, Why  you lived  your life, Under the shadow of perspiration ? Why  you always believed that this world is yours and every thing on it, You’re living in the unreal world. From the womb you came out and- Now you’re going to mix in soil, Again you are remembering your own identity, And trying to entwine with your past. Forget  everything- You are going to be free from  this world, By leaving this world, you will live in real ...

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