“A ROYAL SALUTE” – By Des Kelly It wasn’t too long ago when Australia was seriously considering the fact of becoming a Republic. What did we need a “Queen” for ?, who needs a Governer-General acting on behalf of the Queen, Australia could have it’s own, etc., etc., the Republicans were on a “Roll”, but, speaking for myself, as I always do, the only roll that I prefer is the “party-sausage-roll” I have for lunch, sometimes. I have made it abundantly clear that I have, now am, and always will be, a “Royalist”(it might have been a different story if I was born in the era of King Henry the eighth), but this is a different story. In England, & in most other Countries of the Commonwealth, even BEFORE the death of the Peoples’ Princess, Diana, British Royalty were going through many “Anni- horribiles”(as Queen Elizabeth described a particular one, ...

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