How does salt affect your health? – By Dr Harold Gunatillake As much as 85 percent of the salt we eat is already in the food we buy, rather than being added during cooking or eating. Table salt, sodium chloride (NaCl), is a naturally occurring mineral essential for animal life. Salt is one of the most widely used and oldest forms of food seasoning. Saltiness is one of the five basic human tastes in addition to sweetness, sourness, bitterness, and umami (a savory, meaty taste, such as that of cooked mushrooms, cheese, or soy sauce). It is estimated that we need about 500 mg or 6 grams. of sodium daily for vital functions. But did yo know that, on ..average, working-age adults in England consume 8.4g a day – that’s 40 percent above the national guideline? In Sri Lanka, the National Population Salt Consumption the survey estimated the salt ...

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