How much water should you drink per day? – By Dr Harold Gunatillake Website: “Thirst is an evolutionarily conserved mechanism to make sure that we drink an adequate amount of fluids but not too much” First, let us discuss why you need to drink water a fair quantity daily. Water’s role as a solvent helps cells transport and use substances like oxygen and nutrients. It is an essential constituent within the living cells because it is directly involved in many biological reactions like photosynthesis and respiration. Without water each cell could not move waste and biproducts, take nutrients, perform intracellular transportation, functioning and signaling. Water makes 60-75% of human body weight. A loss of 4% water leads to dehydration, and a loss of 15% can be fatal. One could survive for weeks without food but without water one couldn’t survive for more than 3 days. Hydration is not fully ...

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