A Failing Heart – Dr harold Gunatillake Website: www.Doctoharold.com Heart failure occurs when the heart is too weak or stiff to pump blood adequately throughout the body. Promoting good health for Sri Lankans, globally When we’re born, we have a healthy heart that works well. But if we’re born with a heart problem, it can cause issues later in life. Today, we’re talking about how to keep our hearts healthy. One important thing is to stay healthy, as being overweight can put extra pressure on the heart and weaken it over time. Being overweight also increases the risk of heart problems like heart failure. This happens because fatty tissue can build up in the heart and cause it not to work correctly. Further, the heart must pump more force to distribute blood to the extra tissues formed due to obesity. What happens if obesity is left untreated? Carrying extra fat ...

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GROWING OLD GRACEFULLY  – Remember your ageing friends and relatives – by Charles Schokman I’m still here     My looks are nothing special, My face reveals my age, My body shows some wear and tear, And my energy’s not the same.   Too often my memory fails me, And I lose things all the time. One minute I know what I plan to do, And the next it may just slip my mind.   I try hard to avoid my mirror. There are things I would rather not see, And even those times when I just catch a glimpse, I can no longer recognize me.     The things I used to do with ease Can now cause aches and pains, And the quality of the things I do Will never be quite the same. I always compare my older self To those younger versions of me, And I know I’m wasting ...

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Mitochondrial diseases – By Harold Gunatillake Website: www.Doctorharold.com Mitochondria-an organelle found in large numbers in most cells, in which the biochemical processes of respiration and energy production occur. It has a double membrane, the inner part being folded inwards to form layers (cristae). First, before we discuss mitochondrial dysfunctions or diseases, we need to understand what mitochondria are. It is a structure found in the cytoplasm of every cell in your body, covered by two thin membranes, the inner one corrugated, that generate most of the chemical energy needed to power the cell’s biochemical reactions. It is an energy powerhouse. The word cytoplasm refers to the fluid that surrounds the cell nucleus. The chemical energy produced by these organelles is stored within the cells in a small molecule called adenosine triphosphate or ATP. When your mitochondria function properly, storing energy in ATP, and using that energy to perform your daily ...

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How much water should you drink per day? – By Dr Harold Gunatillake Website: www.Doctorharold.com “Thirst is an evolutionarily conserved mechanism to make sure that we drink an adequate amount of fluids but not too much” First, let us discuss why you need to drink water a fair quantity daily. Water’s role as a solvent helps cells transport and use substances like oxygen and nutrients. It is an essential constituent within the living cells because it is directly involved in many biological reactions like photosynthesis and respiration. Without water each cell could not move waste and biproducts, take nutrients, perform intracellular transportation, functioning and signaling. Water makes 60-75% of human body weight. A loss of 4% water leads to dehydration, and a loss of 15% can be fatal. One could survive for weeks without food but without water one couldn’t survive for more than 3 days. Hydration is not fully ...

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Keeping your kidneys healthy-video presentation By Dr Harold Gunatillake Website:www.doctorharold.com Transcript: We all think our cholesterol levels in the blood to keep the heart ticking well, but the kidneys being as important, would not bother to keep them healthy. The main function of your heart is to pump blood with nutrients and oxygen to all tissue cells in the body. On the contrary, your kidneys perform many functions to keep your health and wellbeing. Your kidneys remove wastes and extra fluid from your body. Your kidneys remove acid that is produced by the cells of your body and maintain  healthy balance of water, salt, and minerals-such as sodium, calcium, phosphorus, and potassium- in your blood. They also produce hormones that regulate blood pressure and control the production of red cells. They make two main hormones, vitamin D and erythropoietin. Vitamin D is essential for several different functions in the body. ...

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