PUTIN’S BLOOD-CURDLING THREAT TO WEST: by JOE VAN LANGENBERG Russia’s increasingly isolated President Vladimir Putin, seems to be losing the plot, if he hasn’t already lost it. Most if not all, may be of the view, that his cognitive powers or what’s left of them, have been severely compromised. Given his invasion of Ukraine and his brutal crackdown on a nation, which finds itself at the mercy of Putin’s military aggression and superiority, a greater percentage of Western nations have been rendering invaluable assistance in the form of military aid, inter alia. Not satisfied with causing widespread death destruction and misery, the intransigent Putin has fired a salvo at the West, a blood-curdling threat, warning all countries which have been coming to Ukraine’s rescue, to butt out, or face dire and unprecedented consequences. That’s disconcerting to say the very least. Putin has even bragged about his nuclear arsenal. Which then ...

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