The Dawning of Religious Faiths on Mother Earth and the Covid 19 Pandemic.

The Dawning of Religious Faiths on Mother Earth and the Covid 19 Pandemic.


This article is based on the documented history of the arrivals of the various “Religious Faiths” that graces this Universe of ours today; and when it appears to have come to an abrupt stop. Not covered are the other Religions or Religious Teachings that have dawned on us like “Evangelism” and “Break-Away” groups emanating as tributaries of the already existing and well established Major Religions on Earth.

Most of you learned Readers are obviously aware of what is being revealed in this article; and yet some maybe unaware.

Going through the various articles on “Google” reveals the “History of Religions” as:

  • At the end of 3000 BC – Origin of Judaism (2085 BC)
  • At the mid of 2000 BC – Origin of Hinduism (1500BC)
  • At the mid of 1000 BC – Buddhism (500BC)
  • At the mid of 1000 BC – Jainism (527 BC)
  • At the beginning of AD– Christianity (4BC-30AD)
  • At the mid of 1000 AD – Islam (610 AD)
  • At the mid of 2000 AD – Sikhism (1499 AD)

The following Religious Groups that appears to be “off-shoots” of the above are:

  • Various “Break-Away” Sects of Christianity
  • Various “Break-Away” Sects of Islam
  • Various “Break-Away” Sects of Buddhism
  • Taoism
  • Confucianism
  • Mormonism
  • Baha’i
  • Shinto

Pursuing the History of the major Religions shed light on the arrival of the Messengers of God & Sages with their Religious Teachings; and their spread every 500 years or so or apart. Please note they did not come to Earth altogether. However, it is just over the 500 year this year and we have yet to see another “Messenger of God” or “Sage” to alight on Earth – “To spread the Gospel among the Earthlings”, so to say. It would appear that in keeping with current and prevailing conditions in the land; and as a reminder God Almighty sent Messengers/Sages to remind the populace of the initial Lessons on Spirituality and Humanity, as the situation necessitated.

These “Messengers of God” did not have an easy time in conveying God’s Message. They were hounded out of the land; harassed; ridiculed; persecuted and stoned at, as they preached and tried to convince the populace of the messages of goodness and human behaviour to lead a life of Peace & Goodwill; and most importantly the belief in ONE God – “monotheism”. In some cases they lost their lives and in later times martyred; once the populace saw the “enlightenment” of/in the preaching.

The World today appears to be a volatile one. Everyone wanting to establish and display their own individual brands of independence & freedoms, according to their own whims & fancies – just selfish motivation. Oblivious of the wonderful teachings of whichever Religions they followed. Yes! In a way, the state of mind and the want to do what they want to do, with such gay abandon, has brought in much rivalry and turmoil which at times turning into violence; as the situation dictates. No more is the adage of “Saner counsel has to prevail” is in vogue; instead it appears to be “Each for himself or herself and God for us all”. Just try preaching to a “mob”; and I’m sure you will come a “cropper”; with the Hymn on your lips “Nearer my God to thee”.

Religion may be a very debatable topic; but one cannot hide the fact       that it does guide ones’ way in leading a good & contended life with love and respect for each other; and the belief in a Supreme God & Spirituality.

One sure is constrained to ask oneself – Is Religion an Inheritance, Compulsion or Conviction?

A Family is infused in traditions; followed from generation to generation and one of these is the “inheritance” of Religion. You do get regimented into these traditions and religion and as time goes by you get to learning the scriptures & attending places of worship with your Parents beside.

The “compulsion” portion is involuntarily enforced by your parents and preachers initially; to remain “tunnel;-sighted” and “polarized” in your vision of your practicing religion. However, as you mature you begin to understand your Faiths’ spirituality & theology. But the teachings of other religions may still remain a far cry.

It is only when you venture out of your own religion and get a knowledge of the other religions that you will realize the principles and teaching of other Religions and “conviction” dawns on you. For one has to always remember that no Holy Scriptures or Religious Teachings teach human beings differently; other than to propagate respect, love and goodness amongst us eternally.

But alas! The Holy Scriptures have been subject to misinterpretations & manipulations by some “break-away sects” from the root Religion. Like in the Political morass that seems to change a Nations’ destination. Thus causing so much rift among the Faithful Followers; and creating so much discord and disharmony. These I dare say comes from the Radicals & Extremists.

A little knowledge is dangerous is what they say and leads to the many confrontations facing the Human Race today. It is a thorough knowledge of Religions that will achieve us the comfort & conviction in our time of need.                 

I believe that there is a Religious order that await the arrival of a Messiah. This has still to occur.

The whole Word is for the past two years or so gripped in a severe “COVID 19” Pandemic. It is alleged to have been transmitted by a Bat in Wuhan; no one hears of the “Bat Theory” anymore, except in terms of the game of “Cricket” – a game of balls, bails and bats with a dozen of folks occupying a very large grass field in isolation; with thousands around watching.

Strangely enough this “virus” or “bacteria (as some call it)” only affects the human beings and nothing else. I guess the “bats” are hanging upside down in their domiciles and having a good “flapping” laugh at the “Homo sapiens”. I often wonder in my wild and vivid imagination, if this is an experiment on “Weapons of Mass Destruction” that has gone awry. For isn’t it said that “Man will kill Nature & Nature will kill man”? or is it from the oft spoken phrase: “Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad” which appeared in Reverend William Anderson Scott’s book Daniel, a Model for Young Men; it later depicted in H. W. Longfellow‘s poem “The Masque of Pandora” (from Wikipedia).  

Notwithstanding all the furore about the Pandemic; we humans have a lot of lessons that we are being regimented and imposed on us, in such a very draconian manner.

Firstly on every lip is the question nowadays – “Why God, why?” seems to be the question posed; and ever so more only when one confronts a personal problem? Or, is this a drive/prompt by the Pandemic, to remind one of The Almighty & Spirituality?

If one looks outside the window, one will surely see the abundance of Mother Nature’s marvellous array of Birds, animals small & large; and the greenery/foliage & colourful displays in abundance. The Birds flying around and swooping down to earth; the animals small & big frolicking around with not a care in the World – living the life of “Born Free & Live free”. Whereas, we humans have had our freedoms curtailed somewhat; and the absolute freedom suppressed to a very frugal but meaningful way of life – only venturing out for necessities of life rather than the indulgences in luxuries.

We also show much concern for others which we hitherto just took for granted. We also show much respect for each other in wearing face masks, cleansing our hands so very frequently and keeping to the concept of “social-distancing” – which goes to show that we care for and value each other.

So, in summarizing isn’t this, in essence, what “Religion” teaches us to do. Furthermore isn’t this what the Pandemic is forcing us to do in a regimented manner? Dear Readers I leave these observations for you to ponder and form your own opinion; as I leave you with mine.

My mind does the normal imaginative, and at times speculative thinking. Being just over the threshold of the advent of the last major Religion to dawn on Earth; is the COVID 19 the “silent” Messenger of God; sent down to put the errant Human Race back on its’ track?  A Silent Messenger who no one can harm; as has happened to the Messengers he sent physically down to Earth to preach and deliver the message of “Peace & Harmony; and Goodwill among all on Earth”.  This of course is my very own conception. Perhaps Learned Readers you may have better perspective of the current situations that prevail and affects almost all of us today. Thank you for your time & patience in reading my thoughts of these important facts of life – which we now are faced with; for only God knows for how long. We can only look up at the high heavens ask The Almighty for succour and forgiveness.

Perhaps it could even be the Advent of the “4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse” as per the known Mythology that we are encountering.

The four riders, riding on a white, red, black and pale horse that represents conquest, the violence of warfare, famine, and widespread death.

No matter what it will be incumbent on one to always remember –

“He is our Creator; and to Him do we belong”.

Noor Rahim

October 15, 2021.


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