“THE DRINK” – By Des Kelly



“THE DRINK” – By Des Kelly

Vadakaha Sudhiya” was a drink that was so famous in “Olde Ceylon”, I later recorded a song about it. Although I am 100% tee-total @ my present stage of life, I have to admit that, had I stayed in My Lovely Island Home, and remained in the Royal Ceylon Navy, I would certainly not be writing this article, right now. In fact, I would have been “pushing up daisies” a long time ago. To make a long story short, during those halcyon days, alcohol & I were very good friends indeed. The reason for this was simple. It was a legacy left by my grandfather, Jack Kelly, born in Dublin, who drank everything but water, plus the fact that, if you joined the Navy, you were supposed to follow the lead of most of the “senior guys” and drink, smoke & be merry, or else leave the bloody Navy and join the Girl-Guides. 

Now that I’ve made my excuses, lets get down to this interesting bit of information for all eLanka readers everywhere.

Desmond Kelly

Desmond Kelly.
(Editor-in-Chief)– eLanka.

eLanka Special!! Buy the song for $2 from eLanka shop now! – Click here or on the image below!




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