The Trail of the Ignominious Political Path of Sri Lanka. – By Noor Rahim

The Trail of the Ignominious Political Path of Sri Lanka. – By Noor Rahim

Political - eLanka

NOOR R. RAHIMThis article is based purely on my own experiences that I have gone through and that I experienced; since being born in Sri Lanka in the year 1937. My ancestors came to Sri Lanka with the Dutch Army which occupied the low country on the behest of the Sinhala King of Kandy to rid of the Portuguese who were occupied the land prior; in the late 16th century and early 17th century. The King could not bear to see his subjects being mistreated cruelly and heaping them with untold misery. Hence, in the early 17th century invited the Dutch to get rid of the Portuguese invaders. Having done so, they occupied all the territories that were occupied by the Portuguese. Peace prevailed during this period.

It was in the late 18th century that the Dutch handed over the areas under their control; and the complete control was handed over to the British under “Peace of Amiens” accord in the very early 19th century.

The British, not being content with the lowlands they took over from the Dutch, looked towards the capture of the Kandyan Kingdom in order to be the occupying forces of the whole of Ceylon as it was called by them; at that time. It took them 2 major wars to achieve their goal. The first war ended in their retreat in defeat. They would have never won the 2nd if not for a section of the Nobility that conspired with the British to over-throw the King of Kandy.

The reason I write this bit of history, from my personal knowledge, is to high-light the treachery of some of the Nobility during that period; that led to the downfall of the Mighty Kingdom of Kandy and the brave & resolute King who succumbed to the treachery.

Undoubtedly the treacherous Nobility secured very favourable positions with the British and were heaped with many rewards and awards of titles, for their treachery. Perhaps a Historian will be able to research (if not already done) and highlight/expose these vile Members of the Nobility.

Having secured the whole country under their rule, they enacted their will on the peoples of the land to live a life style consistent with their way of life. Instead of promoting the existing agricultural based life-style of the ethnic people they started “cash crops” that were conducive to their own Motherland. They neglected the paddy cultivation and promoted “Tea, Rubber & Cocoa”. In doing so they changed the ecology of the land. The hillside was developed for tea plantations; hence causing the silting of the Mahaweli that had been diverted by the Sinhala Kings for the purpose of Paddy Cultivations in the low lying areas to the North; with the diversion feeding many man-made water tanks in the plains. Soon we were to lose our boast of being “The Granary of the East”.

They soon built up a Parliamentary System on British lines; with the seat of Government vested in “The Ceylon State Assembly”. I guess some of the traitors from the Nobility got placements in the Government. It was in the year 1944 that a “Fox in the Chicken Coop” (who in 1977 became the Executive President of Sri Lanka) fought for and got a Bill passed to make Sinhala as the National Language & Buddhism as the State Religion.

It was in the year 1948 that Sri Lanka gained its’ Independence. Independence was achieved without any known struggle for Freedom; and with the inheritance of a rich Treasury. But the British also left the cancer of “Dependency” with that.

Without becoming self-sufficient we now deeply delved in “dependency” by way of purchasing “A pin to an elephant” from other countries; especially the British – as popularly quoted and boasted of during the early period of Independence, was their products were “British & Best”.

But not to divert from our governance, Sri Lanka was blessed with a wonderful Leader to lead the Motherland as its’ First Prime Minister; who was referred to very affectionately as “The Father of the Nation”. His primary objective was to make Sri Lanka an Agrarian State by massive projects to revive the growth of paddy/rice and regain the title of “Granary of the East”. His brain-child project was the Gal Oya Scheme and the implementation of a colony of farmers in the Amparai District. However, very sadly and to the detriment of Sri Lanka – lost a great man with vision; when we saw his very early demise. The party he headed was to be later recognized by the name of “Uncle, Nephew Party” as the dynasty crept into and secured prominent positions in that Institution.

On the demise of this great man, the management committee of the “Uncle, Nephew Party” decided to push aside the deputy of the Party to usher in the son of the deceased to take over the reins of the Government. He was known to have been a “reluctant” candidate for the Post. Having flown him around, on many of his projects, he exhibited a high sense of “Gentleman ship”, with much sincerity & honesty. He too followed his Fathers’ aim of promoting self-sufficiency in food production and mooted the “Green Thumbs Revolution”.

In the meantime the “deprived” deputy, who had a Socialist Agenda and pushed out of the party, created his own party. In order to get what was rightfully his. He started his Political Platform with the “Sinhala Only and Buddhism as the State Religion”. This slogan invoked and captured the votes of the majority Sinhala populace; and he won a landslide victory. Strangely enough the person who had got the very same concept passed in the Ceylon State Assembly, during the British, did not utter a word or dispute that claim as his own creation in 1944. Possibly the “Fox” had his own agenda. One is only constrained to think if the “Fox” used him as a “fall-guy”; to fall in with his master plan of grabbing full powers, in the governance of the land in the near future. 

The newly elected Prime Minister did follow the concept of self-sufficiency, starting off with Local Industrial Manufacture. Very unfortunately he was assassinated; and Sri Lanka lost another one of its’ illustrious sons that put his country before self.

His wife filled the vacancy created and was the First Lady Prime Minister in the World. A strong-willed Lady who wouldn’t stand for any act that would be detrimental to the country. She was one of the Founding Members of the Non-Aligned Movement. She instilled discipline and stood her ground during the ill-timed “Che Guerra” uprising in 1971, crushing the insurrection/revolt in a very short period of time. She did receive the support to quell the insurrection with Military aid from our Neighbouring countries and from the United States and the USSR. It should be noted that after the insurrection was quelled she disbanded/de-mobilized and reduced many of the Armed Services from active services and got them to toe the line in an austerity drive. On the home front she was really strong willed; and continued to fulfil her husbands’ legacy and political policies, which was of a Socialist Nature. Her grow more food campaign gained momentum and was inter-twined with austerity measures to ensure self-sufficiency, much to the bewilderment of the Public and the political rhetoric of the opposing parties seeking to topple her. Yes! We did have to forego sugar (drinking our favourite beverage of tea with a piece of juggery – a local produce); buy rice and cloth on a coupon system. But we the Community of Dependency did not want anything to do with these draconian steps; even though it was a correct path to gain self-sufficiency and future prosperity. We always sought a Government that would cater to “Buying a Pin to an Elephant” from abroad concept – one of our inheritances from the British who wanted to keep their coffers full, with exports to other countries; especially Countries that were granted Independence.

The lady was obsessed by her “Agrarian Drive” and gave her Minister of Irrigation and Agriculture the green light to go ahead with the Mahaweli Diversion scheme; which was successfully completed during her tenure as the Prime Minister. She can be also credited with the “Gam Udawa” Village awakening schemes she launched personally with gusto and purpose. Spending her weekends at these schemes, accommodated overnight, at times, in the discomfort of “Circuit Bungalows”. Another scheme that she launched was the “Recycling Movement” and the mechanisms to make the project take place successfully; which has only recently been emulated by the other leading Western Nations. There was a time that not a piece of paper – scrap or otherwise littering the roads of Sri Lanka and its’ suburbs. All bottles & cans too were picked up by the new found local entrepreneur (local folks of the area seeking to earn a few rupees instead of depending on charity/alms). I guess most folks are not even aware of this; let alone the World Arena that has just woken-up to this concept of “Recycle – Reduce – Reuse” and are proudly augmenting and encouraging the concept; though our Lady in Sri Lanka mooted it very successfully in the 1970s. Like her husband she worked tirelessly for the Nation and went through thick & thin to accomplish her thoughts of getting the Nation ahead and accomplished. She also had many educationally accomplished Members of the Parliament who ably supported her; and had “Nationalistic Thoughts” foremost in their minds. They were the real Ladies and Gentlemen who gave to the country more than they took. They were never the “Flash in the Pan” type of personalities; but down to earth in their mind-set and ways of thinking of Country First.

All the grand and concerted efforts of the Lady to make a self-sufficient country came to an end; when the “Wily Fox” used it as a “Political Stunt” to instill a fear psychosis among the populace to highlight the “Austerity Measures” that were in place; and promise of a “Free Economy” based on a “Buying a Pin to an Elephant” from abroad policy. The “Dependency” concept crept back into their lives and the “Fox” got a landslide victory. He used the 2/3 majority to abolish the existing “Constitution of the Land”; abolished the 2 nominated members posts – one for the Burgher Community & the other for the Malay Community; and got his own agenda passed by the elected Members of his own party. His Agenda was of him becoming the “Executive President” of Sri Lanka with much power vested in himself. He even went to the extent of building a new “State Assembly” complex in marshy land in the suburb of the Capital and to satisfy his ego, named it after himself. I remember flying a group of British Parliamentarians to see the site under construction; and having returned and landed at the Echelon Square, next to the old majestic looking and solid Parliament Building, one of the Parliamentary Members asked me – “why are you constructing a new complex when you already have a majestic looking structure over there (pointing out the building)? I just had to keep my lips sealed – not wanting to get into making a remark that would affect my career in the Air Force.

Hence his plotting since 1944 had borne fruition. He was now able to really execute his “I, Me & Mine” mindset to its’ fullest extent. He did have Ministers in his cabinet who were “Prima Donnas” and kept away from the citizens at grass-root levels. One must, in passing, refer to a Minister of Irrigation who continued in the extension of the Mahaweli Diversion. It was said by the local populace that a tributary of the Mahaweli flowed through the lane where he lived – I leave this conjecture in the hands of the learned reader to fathom out.

Alas! As the saying goes – All good (?) things must come to an end. His dream bubble was burst in July of 1983. It was the time the Sinhalese population massacred the innocent Tamils in the capital city. The killings happened in front of the Presidents’ House and the Executive President remained silent & hidden for a whole day. That was the beginning of the end for one who thought he was mighty and untouchable. Due to this act of gross violence the simmering want into a full-fledged “Separate State” movement, gathered a greater and determined momentum. Following these massacres the Tamil Separatist Movement openly turned it out to a full blown war that was waged for well over 25 years (23 July 1983 – 18 May 2009). The successive Governments took the brunt of it; with the last two Governments took credit for the decimation of the “Movement” and gloated over it – though quite rightly so. However, after the war had ended, they still keep their Armed Services well equipped and armed with very many Bases of Operation in the “occupied and freed areas of the country”. The expansions keep increasing; and at what cost, is the question one must ask ones’ self. Even after World War 2 the Allied Forces downscaled their Armed Forces to manageable degree without prejudice to their security needs. Whereas, we have expanded after the war. One really wonders if such extravagance can be shouldered by the economy of the country. One must ask ones’ self if this is warranted as the enemy has been crushed beyond any chance of re-grouping. These observations does not by anyway castigate or downplay the great efforts and sacrifices made by our very brave Servicemen who fought for such a long period of time with bravery and much valour to rid the land of the fierce enemy/separatist/terrorist. The country really is indebted to them in more ways than one.

There is also the case of over-governance in the country; and gross sense of nepotism in that family & close friends of the governing party get lucrative employment – even though they are not educationally proficient to hold such positions. Even their retired cronies of the Armed Services are given high posts as heads of Corporations and Government Establishments and even to the extent of Diplomatic Posts. Aren’t these all a colossal drain on the small countries economy; which is now in the darkest phase of Agrarian Downfall?

The Economic Slide into ignominy is now established (unfortunately World-wide) and the common populace has taken to “Peaceful Protests” throughout the land. The President himself has admitted that he made many mistakes. Hence in doing so is he not duty bound to tender his resignation as a failed President? But he clings on like a drowning man clutching at straws. I guess his latest tactic is trying to provoke them to act in violence so as he can unleash his Armed Services might on these poor citizens who are peacefully protesting in their droves to get rid of what is now popularly called “A Bunch of Thieving Politicians”. It is even said the majority of them including many Ministers do not even have basic educational qualifications. Perhaps having received nominations on an “I scratch your back; and you scratch my back” basis.

When this problem is finally resolved and hopefully very soon – sooner rather than later; and the good Citizens of the land will undoubtedly be the winners. Kudos for having won a “Peaceful War”, a first in the annals of World History. This should be the real “INDEPENDENCE DAY”; and the Day must be venerated and commemorated as such, as we would have achieved our real independence after a peaceful struggle; as opposed to receiving it on a plate, as in 1948. Their achievement can be one of converting the “Tear Drop in the Ocean” to that of a sparkling “Pearl in the Ocean”. The day should also be remembered as a “Day of Togetherness”; for now we know the real value of the word “TOGETHERNESS” as opposed to the word “UNITY” which word reeks of “POLARISATION” with the classic example of the “UNITED NATIONS”, where the word United means and ends in disputes and partisanship.

Long Live the Brave Citizens of Sri Lanka, Long live our Motherland.

(Please note again that these are my own personal experiences and opinions. Most of it was gathered in my close association with the top hierarchy of Sri Lankan Politicians that I was privileged and honoured to fly around in Sri Lanka from 1957 to 1984. Why I left my Motherland in 1984 is another story that you have to ask the “Wily Fox”,


Noor Rahim                                                                   

April 19 2022  

Foot Note: Noor Rahim. It was after listening to a Brilliant TV Interview by Mr. Faraz Shauketaly & Ms. Ermiza Tegal, on Sunday May 01 2022, that I realized that I should have included the following all important paragraph. Sorry for the lapse.


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