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US Dollar- Understanding the CRISIS           “WHAT A SCARY WORLD, WE LIVE IN TODAY,            MONEY IS FADING FAST, BUT “GOLD” IS O.K.  DK. The IMF officially green-lighted the acceptance of China’s currency – the Yuan – into the IMF’s foreign exchange basket. According to Reuters, this move paves the way for the IMF to place the yuan on a par with the US dollar.  This is the latest in a series of global developments that threatens to eliminate the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency.  Experts predict this announcement will trigger one of the most profound transfers of wealth in our lifetime.  So if you want to protect your savings & retirement, you better get your money out of US dollar investments and into the one asset class that rises as currencies collapse. The IMF Holds Supreme Power  The International Monetary Fund, ...

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Voice Print – The Acapella Band from Sri Lanka performed at the Blue Elephant Restaurant in Sydney A choir group called -“VOICE PRINT” was got down from Sri Lanka for the National Day Celebrations on the 4th February, and the function was held at the ‘Great Hall’ Sydney University. They were invited by Siva of Blue Elephant, to celebrate a further extension of the celebrations. This video was filmed by Dr Harold Gunatillake. ...

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Footy moving forward for Sri Lankans – Contributed by: Troy Thompson Australian Football Sri Lanka continues to forge forward to build the game in Sri Lanka following their debut at 2017 AFL International Cup in Melbourne.    It was today announced that Australia Football Sri Lanka (along with the Himalayan Leopards) have been granted Associate membership of AFL Asia.   The Fonseka brothers (the founders of AFSL pictured with Kevin Sheedy) will be heading to Sri Lanka in near future to to promote the game within rugby clubs, schools, etc., to begin the recruiting process for upcoming tournaments around Asia and the IC20 to be again be held in Melbourne, Australia in August 2020.   Additionally Australian Football Sri Lanka will have Australian based players competing against the Bharat Football Club in Melbourne in an Anzac Day clash. The Bharat Football club formed in Melbourne last year to bind “the Indian community of Australia to footy”.   To ...

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“WALKING UNDEAD” by Des Kelly      It is bad enough to watch the “dead” on television, almost every day, now they try to portray people who, unfortunately, died, in the past, most, due to circumstances entirely beyond their control, “get-up”, “get-out”, and walk the Streets again, only to get “mowed-down” by some  “hit & run” driver.      I have written, many times, that I prefer the A.B.C. for my television “entertainment” because I don’t have to watch stupid “ads” like this “costumed” guy, jumping out and offering people “fast cash” for some idiotic settlement of any foolish mistake made. It wouldn’t be so bad if it was a good-looking “Witch”, coming in on her broomstick, to offer the “cash”. There have been many of these witches, but they are featured on the “Commercial T.V.Stations.      I always “say it as it is” &, as much as I ...

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DAVID AND GOLIATH by Bernard VanCuylenburg Another interesting “‘true story” from Bernard VanCuylenberg. Straight from “Old Ceylon”, David and Goliath, was a Bible-Story that every Lankan/Aussie Christian should know. Goliath, the “bad-guy” giant was irritating everyone around until young David got his catapult out and shot Old Goliath with a stone, right on the middle of his forehead. End of Goliath & a very straightforward story. Bernard’s story is much more complicated. Estate Politics play a big part in this one & once again, there is a “winner” (young “David” Bracegirdle), and a “loser”, the incumbent Government of the Era, who had already been through some tough times, now faced by this “winner-to-be” This “David” had to listen to all the hard-luck stories of the Government before taking out his catapult, but it was quite sometime before he actually ended up, “THE WINNER”  D.K. DAVID AND GOLIATH by Bernard VanCuylenburg ...

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BEYOND BORDERS – by Bernard VanCuylenburgsource: www.don-mclean.com Another most interesting story from a most interesting Author/Writer, another talented Sir Lankan Gentleman who shares his “personal stories” with us, lucky eLanka readers. Grabs you, the reader from the very first sentence, Bernard, again, does what I like to do. He brings back many precious memories of old Ceylon (now Sri Lanka).       Although, with a Surname of VanCuylenberg which is as Dutch as “Gezelligheld”(cosy togetherness), Bernard’s ancestors, also, like my own, migrated to “Our Lovely Island Home” from Erin. (Ireland). I do not intend to make this introduction too long, but I feel certain that Bernard will enjoy & reminisce on the song I have chosen for him. Thank you for your input to eLanka Bernard, now, please enjoy my special “pick” of a most beautiful Irish song that I think you love, as well. … Des Kelly     ...

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“MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS” by Des Kelly Source: barnabyjoyce.com.au This is something that we Lankans are extremely good at.  We always mind our own business. Unlike any other Country, Australia included, Sri Lankans would NEVER ever go into each others’ homes & gossip. Our Politicians are beyond reproach. They would ALWAYS think about the less- affluent. Comfort, as far as THEY are concerned, must be afforded to the poor, needy, & sometimes starving Communities. “We have plenty of money” they tell their millions of happy Citizens.”Now, we will look after you-all, and make sure that you will be able to afford to buy that coconut and make your sambol with real coconut instead of the dessicated muck that we have to import” “Why, chile,” says the Minister, whose parents sent him to Oxford to learn English, “knowing people only know we are who are”, the crowd smile and nod their ...

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