
Contemplating-Retirement Villages for Sri Lankan Seniors in  NSW Sri Lankan Association of NSW (Australia) initiated steps to help senior member families and singles, to assist in finding accommodation in retirement homes in NSW, for their pre-terminal stages of life. With that in view, President Ajith Karunaratne and committee member Gnani Thenabadu accompanied a group of senior members to the ‘Uniting Elanora residential age care-home in Shell Harbour in two coaches provided by the ‘Elanora’ Uniting residential Care Centre. The members collected at the Thornleigh Community Centre and proceeded at 10 am. heading towards Shell Harbour situated in the Southern coastal region, 100 km from Sydney. In spite of the heavy traffic on the motorway and other roads, the group reached their destination by 12.30pm. Walter de Ruyter the service manager at the Centre received the Seniors’ and a preliminary talk was given on the workings of the institution. He pointed ...

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POETRY FOR PEACE The predecessor of “song-writing” for me, has been “poetry”. From a very early age, not only did I enjoy reading good poetry, I started writing my own. Proudly, after coming to Australia, my poetry has not only been “accepted” Internationally, it has been “published” in a beautiful hard-back volume, “The Tide of Hours” featuring the best poets & poetry of 2003. As a result, I was “invited” to the U.S.of A. many times but, because of an extremely busy “work schedule” it was impossible for me to make it to America. The following were a trio of “poems” of mine, submitted. One was “Poetry for Peace”(my advice to the World), & the other”Old Ceylon,my Island of dreams”(later composed as a song,with music added)& to begin with, was “The Butterfly”. Please read and hopefully, enjoy :- “THE BUTTERFLY” Like the wings of a butterfly, emerging at last From ...

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Sri Lankan Recipes by Curry Mad – Imy’s Salad Ingredients 2 Carrots 1 Tsp Chilli flakes (Optional) 2 Cucumbers 2 Lemons (Juice) 1/2 Tsp, or Salt to taste 2 Tblsp Sugar Preparation Wash and cut the Carrot and Cucumber into thin long pieces. Remove the seeds and work the Salt into the Cucumber. Taste and add other ingredients as required. Be generous with the Sugar. This is a recipe given to me by a Malaysian lady. ...

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Sri Lankan Recipes by Curry Mad – Gotu Kola Sambol Ingredients 1 Cup *`Gotu Kola’ Leaves *Centella Astatica Wikipedia. 1/2 Lemon 1 Tblsp Maldive Fish chips 1/2 Red Onion Salt to taste 1 Cup Shredded Coconut Preparation Wash and break off the stems from the Gotu Kola leaves. Add all the ingredients into a bowl and mix well. Enjoy with Rice and Curry. Can also be added to a Lentil Vegetable. Many Sri Lankans grow Gotu Kola in their gardens. ...

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Sri Lankan Recipes by Curry Mad – Green Apple Chutney Usually a `Chutney’ has Red Chilli powder and is red in colour. This experiment does not use any Red Chilli powder, but Hot Green Chillies instead, hence the green colour. It is quite `chilli hot’ without the Red Chilli. Ingredients 2 `Granny Smith’ Apples 6 Green Chillies (Hot) Salt to taste 1 Tblsp Sugar Preparation Wash and cut the Apples into small pieces and put them into a Food Mincer. Add the other ingredients and mince for a minute or two. Taste and add other ingredients as required. ...

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STRIFE OF THE SRI LANKAN HOUSEWIFE How many times have we heard “stories” like this? !! “My biscuits were too hard Not like HIS Mother used to make He did’nt like my curries Or even the love-cake The coffee was’nt brewed right Nor was HIS herbal-tea The buriyani was “not nice” Nor was the mulligatawny Shirt-buttons “missed” the button-hole Tie knotted on askew I did’nt mend his socks Just like HIS Mother used to do” I stood there, quite dumbfounded While HE kept finding fault “The eggs are NOT boiled right Where IS the pepper & the salt”? “I think I’m getting tired” I said “I’m going to take a nap Can’t blame your Mum for giving you A thundering bloody slap You’re just a great big grumble-bum Who knows sweet bugger-all And you can go and get your sleep On the couch, out in the hall” I’ve heard this ...

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SO, WHATS NEW – By Des Kelly   THERE IS HOPE FOR ME YET!. With previous American Presidents telling the World “I did NOT HAVE  intercourse with that woman”. Of course, he did’nt. Everyone should know that . He summoned her to his office, had intercourse (spoke) to her and after giving her the position she applied for, told her to go ahead with the job, or words to that effect. Now, he’s helping his 1st lady to get the Presidency and thereby, him, the head-job in the White House. Then, we have another hopeful President who has NEVER “groped”. He has no time for all this stuff when he is so busy trying to rescue the neighbour’s cat trying to hide in a bush in his garden. It certainly did’nt help when he knew not the cat’s name, so as he “groped ” around in the bush; he grabbed her ...

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Treating a simple viral cold with Yogurt A simple common cold is a viral infection affecting the upper respiratory areas, including the nose. Signs and symptoms appear about two days following exposure. I did contract one before we left Sri Lanka last week, after being in a salubrious moderate climate environment in Kandy considered as the hill capital. Unfortunately, the city centre is polluted due to blockage for traffic in the vicinity of the Temple of the Tooth. It started with a sore throat, then the nostrils got blocked partially with mucus, and the worst was the irritating cough due to a “post-nasal drip” of the mucus at the back of the nose. Repetitive coughing with no production was annoying and disturbed everyone in the vicinity. Tried antiseptic throat lozenges: they do soothe the throat for about an hour. It is best to avoid cough mixtures because that can increase ...

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US Presidential election; Shoot the messenger, but not the message By Raj Gonsalkorale Donald Trump appears to be slipping from one election catastrophe to another with relative ease and without anyone else’s help. Besides the scandals that have erupted demonstrating his disdain for women and regarding them simply as sex objects whose mind, soul and body are for sale to anyone who has the ability to pay for it. As his opponent Hillary Clinton said during the debate, Donald Trump has hurled insults at a variety of people including Hispanics, Muslims, Latino’s, disabled persons and a host of others. Women with any self- respect should surely make their feelings known in no uncertain terms. ...

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