“Meet Your Human Microbiota: The Unsung Heroes Inside You” A new frontier in health – By Dr Harold Gunatillake

“Meet Your Human Microbiota: The Unsung Heroes Inside You” A new frontier in health – By Dr Harold Gunatillake


“Hello, everyone! Today, we’re going on an incredible journey inside our bodies to  meet some of the most important yet often overlooked inhabitants—the microbiota  in our large gut.” 

Before we discuss microbiota, I must explain the difference between microbiome  and microbiota. 

The microbiome refers to collecting genomes, 

which means the complete set of DNA  

(genetic material) in an organism from all the 

microorganisms in the environment.  

Microbiota, conversely, usually relates to microorganisms found within a specific  environment, which is the gut in the present talk. However, microbiota can refer to  all organisms found in an environment, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi. 

So, what is Microbiota? “Imagine a bustling city with trillions of residents; this is  what our large gut looks like under a microscope. The microbiota consists of  

bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other microorganisms that call our digestive system  home.” 

What Role do Microbiota play? “These microscopic creatures play a vital role in  our health.  

They help digest food, protect against pathogens,  

regulate our immune system, and even produce 

vitamins our body needs.” 

What is the Significance of Microbiota? “Just like knowing your cholesterol  levels is important for heart health, understanding the balance of your gut  microbiota is crucial for overall well-being. They’re a marker of how healthy our  digestive system is.” It would be best to have a population of beneficial microbiota  to lead a healthy life. 

It is essential to keep Microbiota Healthy. “How do we keep these tiny friends  happy? Diet plays a huge role. Eating fibre-rich foods, prebiotics, and probiotics can  help maintain a healthy gut microbiome.” 

I want to say that “Our gut microbiota is a complex and dynamic ecosystem  essential for our health. By taking care of it, we take care of ourselves. So, let’s not  forget to feed our tiny friends with what they love best – a diverse and balanced  diet!” 

Several misconceptions about gut microbiota often circulate in popular media and  discussions. Here are a few common ones, debunked with scientific insights: 

Microbiota Outnumbers Human Cells: It was widely believed that microbiota  outnumbers human cells by 10:1. However, recent studies suggest that the ratio is  closer to 1:11. 

Another misconception is that Microbiome Research is New: While the pace of  microbiome research has accelerated recently, the field itself is not new. Research  into human-associated microorganisms dates back to at least the late 19th century. 

It is thought that only Dietary fibre affects gut Microbiota: While dietary fibre significantly impacts gut microbiota, it’s not the only nutrient that affects it. Other  types of food and nutrients also play a role. 

So, what foods are beneficial for the gut microbiome? 

These foods include legumes, like black beans and chickpeas. 

Whole grains, like oats and quinoa.vegetables, like broccoli and asparagus. Nuts, like  almonds and pistachios. 

Fruits, like apples and peaches. 

It is also believed that all Gut Problems are Due to Bad Microbiota: Not all gut issues  are caused by an imbalance in gut microbiota. Many factors, including genetics,  lifestyle, and environmental factors, contribute to gut health.

Dysbiosis of the gut bacteria communities, or harmful microbiota, can cause many  chronic diseases, such as inflammatory bowel disease, obesity, cancer, and autism. 

It is also believed that Probiotics are Always Beneficial. Probiotics can be helpful, but  they are not a one-size-fits-all solution. The benefits of probiotics can vary  depending on the individual’s gut microbiota and health condition. 

Understanding these misconceptions can help us have a more nuanced view of the  role of gut microbiota in our health. It’s always best to consult scientific literature  and healthcare professionals for more detailed information. 

Maintaining a healthy gut microbiota is essential for overall well-being. Some of the key strategies to support your gut health are 

Eat various fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains to promote a diverse  microbiome in your gut.. 

Fiber is crucial for gut health. Your diet should Include plenty of fibre-rich foods like  beans, oats, and nuts 

  1. Eat plenty of Fermented Foods: Foods like yoghurt, kefir,sauerkraut, and kimchi contain        probiotics that can benefit your gut  bacteria1. 
  2. Prebiotics: These are compounds that feed your beneficial gut bacteria. Foods rich in prebiotics include garlic, onions, and bananas2. 4. Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water has been shown to benefit the mucosal lining of the intestines and the balance of good bacteria in  the gut2.
  3. Regular Eating Schedule: Try to eat at consistent times to help maintain your gut microbiome’s rhythm1.
  4. Reduce Stress: Chronic stress can negatively impact your gut microbiota, so engaging in stress-reduction techniques like meditation or exercise can be beneficial1. 
  5. Avoid Unnecessary Antibiotics: Antibiotics can disrupt the gut microbiome. Professional.
  6. Exercise Regularly: Physical activity can help increase the diversity of your gut bacteria3.

A healthy gut with healthy microbiota can lead to a robust immune system, better  digestion, improved mood, and lower risk of certain diseases. 

For personalised advice, it’s best to consult with a healthcare professional. 

“If you enjoyed this sneak peek into the world of gut microbiota and want to  learn more about keeping your digestive system healthy, hit the like button,  share this video, and subscribe for more health tips and insights!” So, what you eat is what you are. 

So, until we meet again, goodbye for now

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