Asoka Handagama’s film “Alborada” premiered in Chile-by Eda Cleary Source:Sundayobserver The film Alborada by director Asoka Handagama was premiered in Chile recently with the Director of the Film School of the University of Valparaiso, film professor Rodrigo Cepeda, inviting academics, students and interested people to see the film. After the screening, a “film forum” was also organised with the participation of the Director of the Publishing House of the University of Valparaíso Jovana Skármeta, Karin Berlien, Director of the Division of Equality and Diversity, and Dr. Eda Cleary, sociologist and author of several essays on Neruda in the East. Also present were the Dean of the Faculty of Architecture Alejando Witt and the Director of the University’s Theatre School Claudio Marín. The film was shown with Spanish subtitles, prepared by film professor Luciana Pinilla. Its projection was impeccable in terms of colour, image and sound. ...