ROOKANTHA A TRUE FAMED MUSIC GENIUS IN EFFERVERSCENT VOYAGE IN CELEBRITY FOR OVER FOUR DECADES – by Sunil Thenabadu Mario Glory Rookantha Goonatilleke was the only son apart from his elder sister born to his parents, mother had been a teacher. it is his innate talent in music that had made him the significant musician he is.He has not had any hereditary affiliations from the family or his ancestors for music.From his very young days he has had a liking for music ,when he was just three years ago as a toddler had a liking to hear the sounds from the piano they have had at home.Asa he was short had insisted mother to carry him so that he could drag the keys of the piano from left to right and vice versa, the beat that came out sounded so well.Mother had known that he has an innate talent for music. As he grew up Rookantha used to hear ...