Crossing The Jordan – by Lakshman Navaratne Dust Divine Scripture is only for those who trust in a sovereign Creator. It has no value to anyone who remotely trusts in human logic, rooting our beginning to the Apes, and blindly branding humans as mammals who originally were Apes. Thus, believing our ancestry stemming to the Apes. Science has defined human life as “the evolved Intelligent Apes”  We humans, born in the last 200 years, who are still breathing oxygen on earth, are led to believe all science is intelligence acquired knowledge, which has become the snare put before the unsuspecting humans by the academia, stemming to Intelligence of the Phylum Mammalian. Scripture vehemently documents; we did not originate from the Apes. We were made from “Dust “and made Divine by the Creator of the universe. [A] An Apostolic Christian living today on earth, who has received the Baptism of Pentecost, ...

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