Obesity and potbelly issues – By Dr Harold Gunatillake Website: www.Doctorharold.com Transcript: Inactive lifestyles and over-eating are becoming more prominent worldwide, leading to ill health and chronic diseases. Individuals who suffer from obesity can understand how difficult it is to lose weight through physical activity and diet only. Obesity and pot belly are both common health issues that can lead to serious health consequences. Being overweight or obese can increase the risk of developing various health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure. A pot belly, also known as abdominal obesity, can be particularly dangerous as it is linked to an increased risk of metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease. It is important to maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle to prevent these health problems and improve overall health and well-being. Obesity and abdominal pot belly are both complex diseases, most people are unaware of, and they feel ...

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