THE GLOBAL IMPACT OF THE ROYAL THOMIAN MATCH-by HUGH KARUNANAYAKE LEFT : RESTRAINED REVELRY AT THE ROYAL THOMIAN 1911.(PIC COURTESY TIMES OF CEYLON ANNUAL 1911) ON RIGHT MORE EXUBERANT EVELRY AT THE ROYAL THOMIAN MATCH IN 1989.(PIC COURTESY STEPHEN CHAMPION”Lanka” 1989) Source:Island WHAT 100 YEARS. Of TRADITION COULD DO !! The Royal Thomian cricket match played annually for the past 144 years is the second longest school cricket series in the world. It has, over the years developed into a hoary institution, its cricketing traditions imitated by other schools, all now having their own “Big Matches” but not getting anywhere near the original and pioneer game. Consequently, the Royal Thomian continues to be a subject of imitation by all and sundry. The match has over the years, developed into a venerable institution and its influence has certainly touched the hearts of cricket fans around the globe. The introduction of spectator ...