
Five times I was blown away by Sri Lanka – Paradise In The Indian Ocean Wild Sri Lanka, a three-part documentary series that explores Sri Lanka’s sublime natural beauty and diverse local wildlife is full of humbling moments you won’t soon forget – By Neha Kale (Sri Lanka – Paradise In The Indian Ocean) Few places are a canvas for traveler’s fantasies quite like Sri Lanka. Although the island country has long been associated with crumbling Dutch forts and empty beaches, the civil war, which ran between 1983 and 2009, has seen it largely avoid attention from a tourist invasion. Unlike nearby India (ground zero for Eat Pray Lovedevotees) Sri Lanka retains an air of mystique. Sri Lanka – Paradise In The Indian Ocean, a three-part National Geographic documentary series that airs on SBS on 28 October, is less interested in this version of Sri Lanka as an unspoiled tropical ...

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) ad low FODMAP diet by Dr Harold Gunatillake There is no proper medicine to cure chronic irritable bowel syndrome, other than by dietetic discipline. This is a very common malady among Asians including Sri Lankans due to spicy carb varieties of food they eat, and silently suffer with the condition. In this syndrome you suffer with abdominal pain and cramping, a bloating feeling, gaseous embarrassing moments, constipation, followed by diarrhoea and mucus in your stools, with bleeding and with progressing weight loss. These symptoms are present in any chronic abdominal dysfunction, and may take time to suspect IBS through evaluation process. It is a chronic recurrent progressive condition and all investigations prove negative and the diagnosis is made on having a typical history through trial and error. The causes are not known, but many factors can play a part. The walls of the small and large ...

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DOCTOR KILL OR CURE (Revisited) – by  Desmond Kelly  “Star of eLanka”     Seriously speaking, We Lankans, especially, seem to get a lot of headaches for one reason or the other. If we are married,heterosexually, our “partners” are generally to blame. Homosexually, I haven’t a clue because I have never been married in that fashion but. As I have said, and “written” before, I live in a Suburb called Hampton Park in Melbourne, Victoria.. Just a few kilometres away, there lies another little Suburb named Noble Park & here reside a very good percentage of Lankan/Aussies. If,  for any reason whatsoever, I was to use my catapult and fire a stone into the nobility of THAT PARK, it would land on the head of a Sri Lankan & that Sri Lankan would have Diabetes. The main reason for this is simply because Lankans LOVE chocolate. I do, too, and am supposed ...

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How a Sri Lankan Refugee Became an Australian Army Major – Six Life Lessons in Self Leadership I couldn’t be happier and prouder of one of my best mates Major Seralaadan Tharmarajah aka Lavan. This week, he became a Major in the Australian Army. 19 years ago we both landed on Australian soil to call this land home. Both from single parent households, both from developing countries with a history of racial tensions and violence and both of us looking to find our place in multicultural Australia. We had alot in common as we sat next to each other in our Homebush Boys, Year 10 ESL class! Lavan is not one who usually talks about his journey. However his journey has taught me many lessons and I believe it’s important to share it. At a time when many question the value of letting refugees into a country, when racial tensions ...

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Calcium needs of your body by Dr Harold Gunatillake You need to take calcium daily and it is also most abundant mineral in your body. It is found sufficiently in your food (discuss later), dietary supplements and present in some medications like antacids. Calcium is required for contraction and dilatation of arteries, muscle contractions, for nerve transmission, for hormonal secretions and other metabolic functions. Lack of calcium causes nerve irritability and nerve conduction is disorganised. You get a condition called tetany where your fingers and joints can twist to cause pain and dysfunction. Calcium blocking agents like Amlodipine (Norvasc) is used to slow down the heart muscle action to reduce the high blood pressure in patients. The body regulates the calcium in the blood and does not allow to fluctuations with dietary calcium intake, as the body uses the calcium reserves in the bones when there is a shortage in ...

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Let’s talk about Apple Cider Vinegar and its multi-benefits Written by Dr harold Gunatillake-Health writer A bottle of Apple Cider Vinegar on your kitchen table kept ready at hand is one of the most vital items, as important as onions, spices and so on. It has many uses such as for cleaning, washing your hair, preserving food, to clean your skin of exfoliated skin and moles, in addition to being used as a health drink-just a few drops in your drinking water, daily. ...

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Fruit Hut opens in Burwood – Story and pictures by Marie Pietersz Samu Sovis has gone from IT student, to singer/songwriter/DJ, to green grocer. This young entrepreneur is Burwood’s newest kid on the block, opening for business in March this year. His shop at 9/32 Burwood Heights Shopping Centre, Burwood Highway, Burwood East, in Melbourne’s east. is holding its own with shoppers over his neighbours, the giant Woolworths store and the Chinese grocery store. ...

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Money Very important little spiel, on something that’s very real, it IS the real “deal” when you’re looking for a meal, something you might steal, but becomes an ordeal WHEN YOU FEEL You might have some strife, if you hide some, from your wife, but such is life, because, as you know “YOU CANNOT TAKE IT WHEN YOU GO” Please, my readers of eLanka, Lanka Times & Sooriya websites (+thousands of others), Read about some very important aspects of MONEY. MONEY HAS VARIOUS NAMES. In a Temple, Church, any other religous institution or (genuine) charity, it is called :- “A DONATION” In Marriage, be it “Love”, “Arranged by Parents”, “Arranged by either Partner” or “Same-Sex”:- “A DOWRY” In Divorce, it is simply known as :- “ALIMONY” In “owing Anything to Anyone”, it is:- “A DEBT” All Government payments, of course,:- “A TAX” In “Court”(depending on the crime) :- “A FINE” ...

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