EATING MANIOC JAMS (cassava )TAPIOCA LOCAL NAME IN SRI LANKA MANJOKA After eating cassava for one month, my doctor checked my bladder for cancer. He was surprised because my bladder was completely clean and normal. As long as I kept eating cassava, I feIt very fit and very healthy. Every three months I would go for a check up and my results remained clean. Since then, I only ate cassava and did not continue other cancer medications. Summary of vitamin B17 active ingredients of cassava are: The scientific name of vitamin B17 is Amygdalin. Cancer cells are immature cells, and have different enzymes compared to normal cells. When vitamin B17 is combined with normal cell enzymes, B17 will turn into 3 types of sugar. But when combined with cancer cell enzymes, B17 turns into 1 sugar, 1 benzaldehyde and 1 hydrocyanic acid. This hydrocyanic acid kills cancer cells locally.  cassava seeds ...

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What are inflammatory & Anti-inflammatory foods? – by Dr harold Gunatillake Transcript: Leave the drugs in your chemist’s pot if you can cure the patient with food- Hippocrates We all eat calorie dense rich food without knowing, or without attempting to find out whether they are healthy or otherwise. Vegans win because they eat more anti-inflammatory foods. The good news is that you can control chronic inflammation through a clean diet. A plantbased diet is a healthy way to combat that chronic inflammation and help you feel your best. It is chronic inflammation that leads to diabetes, Cancer, cardiovascular disease and so on. By eating more meatless meals, you get the added benefit of extra fiber and phytochemicals from plant-based proteins like tofu, beans and lentils, seitan, and tempeh. Meat has no fibre. Go for green leafy veggies like spinach, Broccoli and kale. Spinach has flavonoids and carotenoids that reduce ...

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    “THE BIG C” – By Des Kelly & Can fasting help fight cancer? – By Jamie Eske It has been around forever (it seems), varied forms of the dreaded  “Big C”, engulfing the World in it’s tight grip, and totally inconsiderate of the age of it’s victims, causing death and destruction more widespread than any other plague in modern history, yet, the good news is that this “silent killer” CAN be beaten (I have personally beaten it twice), because of a galaxy of new methods of how to kill cancers of various types, keeps being suggested by very intelligent people to whom we are indebted tremendously.  “Fasting” is the latest method that I have been reading about and find it necessary to pass on this advice to all my readers in the hope that anyone they know about, who has Cancer can try these natural “home remedies” if ...

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