With the so-called “Social-Media” out & around as it is today, with the never-ending predictions of doom & gloom coming to us from sooth-sayers the World over, with every bit of news, big or small “BREAKING” on our television screens, this writer, for, & on behalf of our Lankan/Aussie website,eLanka,has decided to give all of you out there, certain points of view in reference to YOU. Pardon the “poetry” folks, but this is what I DO.! To make it interesting, let’s do it “ALPHABETICALLY”. “A”   Anyone who is Anyone, is born, And then dies. “B” Brag not. No-one with Brains, Believes a Braggart.! “C”  Counsel only those who will Credit from Counsel. “D”  Depend not, on anyone, born alone, you Die alone. “E”  Experience comes from “age”. Nowhere Else. “F”  Find salvation ONLY  through the Father (GOD). “G”  Guess not. Certainty should be your ultimate Goal. “H”  Hang your hat on ...

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What, with the “same-sex” marriage controversy quickly coming to a head in Australia, I thought it necessary that our eLanka readers be given some. sort of insight into a 3-way love affair that , unlike the usual love affairs between boy & girl & boy & boy, or girl & girl, was strangely frowned upon in our modern Western Society & still is, believe it or not.       “Same-Sex” love affairs have been going on since the year “dot”, The same applies to love affairs of “heterosexual” couples. In many other Countries, a man was permitted to have a “harem” with as many wives/or lovers as he could afford, half his bloody luck, but, generally having 3,4 & 5 way love affairs were strictly forbidden, but did that stop us ?, no, not on your Nelly, Kelly. As far as this writer was concerned, of course, they were strictly ...

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Still another great song from America , sung & played by a group called the “Texas Tornados”& available for your listening pleasure, my dear readers ,on the ever popular “You-Tube”.  Did I tell you folks, that even at “four-score & one”, I am still very much a “romantic @ heart”, love hearing a good love–song & still “write” them myself, whenever I get the chance, simply because , as I have said and written, many a time, life, as we know it, is but a “blink of an eye” in the context of time. With everything that is “going-on” at the moment, with the love of MONEY being the primary focus of almost everyone around, with the “petty jealousy” that reigns supreme, especially between “Entertainers” of today, & sadly, even including some Lankan Aussies who have been in the business for about ten minutes. Everyone is a “wannabe-Star”. Only a ...

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image source: Wikipedia “RAMONA, I HEAR THE MISSION-BELLS ABOVE RAMONA, THEY’RE RINGING OUT THEIR SONG OF LOVE I’LL.PRESS YOU, CARESS YOU AND BLESS THE DAY YOU TAUGHT ME TO CARE I’LL ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT RAMBLING ROSE YOU WEAR IN YOUR HAIR RAMONA, WHEN DAY IS DONE YOU’LL HEAR MY CALL RAMONA, WE’LL MEET BESIDE THE WATERFALL I’LL DREAD THE DAWN, WHEN I AWAKE, TO FIND YOU GONE RAMONA, I NEED YOU, I DO” A.beautiful “old song”, written in 1928 by L.Wolfe Gilbert with music by Mabel Wayne. Above is only the “chorus” as was recorded initially by Jim Reeves & later by Rudy & Riem de Wolfe, for the “Philips Lable”. I did not have the honour of meeting Jim, personally, but I did.meet “The Blue Diamonds”, Rudy & Riem de Wolfe when they came to Ceylon, shortly before I left for Australia. They were great guys, both of them, ...

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MR MUSIC – DESMOND KELLY Especially for you – Volumes 1 & 2 and ‘a Tribute to the Country Artistes’– CDs out now! BUY ALL THREE CDS for a Special Price of $35 ($10 each +$5 for postage) – Click here to Buy    BUY ALL THREE CDS for a Special Price of $35 ($10 each +$5 for postage) – Click here to Buy  Listen to a few songs from The Album “Especially for you – Volume 1” below: BUY ALL THREE CDS for a Special Price of $35 ($10 each +$5 for postage) – Click here to Buy  BUY ALL THREE CDS for a Special Price of $35 ($10 each +$5 for postage) – Click here to Buy  “Especially for you” my friends & fans everywhere, proudly presented by eLanka & “your’s truly”, a series of CDs featuring songs I have hand-picked from the hundreds I have sung, composed ...

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A SAD SONG By Desmond Kelly ‘the Star of eLanka’ Just as there are “drinking songs”, cheating songs, “truck-driving & happy songs” in Country music, there are also some very “sad songs”, still, beautifully written, recorded, & sung by some.of the greatest voices of the.genre such as Gene Watson and Vince Gill. This song was actually recorded by both. The author of this song, chords & lyrics was Harlan Howard and is available for your listening pleasure on You-Tube. The “title”says it all “LET ME BE THE FIRST TO GO”. “LORD, I’VE NEVER ASKED FOR ANY FAVOURS AND, I’M NOT TOO DESERVING, THAT, I KNOW BUT WHEN IT’S PARTING TIME FOR ME & “BABY” PLEASE LET ME BE THE FIRST TO GO. DON’T TAKE THE HEART OUT OF OUR FAMILY ME & THE KIDS WOULD MISS HER SO I DON’T THINK I COULD LIVE ONE DAY WITHOUT HER SO, LET ...

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“I MAY HATE MYSELF” by Desmond Kelly ‘the Star of eLanka’ I may hate myself, but not right now anyway. A song written by Odie Blackmon & recorded by “Country-Music” Artiste, blonde, beautiful Lee Ann Womac, released in October, 2004 as a “Top-Hit” single from her album “There’s more from where that came from “, ended up as a “HIT” both in the U.S. & Canada and certainly deserved the rating, simply because of how she sings it. I may hate myself in the morning, (tomorrow), because I have to publish these “Americanised” lyrics exactly as written, but the song is a great one, sung beautifully, & “backed” as ONLY Country Bands in America can do, & this much, I promise my readers. Songs which are “publicised” by “your’s truly” will be fully worth the while of “checking-up-on” You-Tube, the first chance you get, in order to capture even a ...

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A QUOTA OF QUOTES by Desmond Kelly “Star of e’Lanka” Thousands of “quotes”, spoken by both the famous and notorious people around the World, some perennial, most of them long-forgotten, except by those interested in the “subject”for the purpose of reiterating these “sayings” if and when the need arises. It is no secret that I do love the English Language. I speak now of the “Queen’s English”, a Language that was the “primary” one during the halcyon days of my formative years in Ceylon, the Island in which I was born. I spent only twenty six years there, having to “leave” reluctantly for the very reason that my favourite “subject” English was suddenly changed into being the “2nd Language” of the Country. Although I was considered to be “very good” at my “Sinhala”(made up for that by being terrible at Maths), just before I left the Royal Ceylon Navy in ...

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TO EACH HIS OWN by Desmond Kelly “Star of e’Lanka” The title of a beautiful old song & also another well-known English phrase, if the cap fits, wear it, still another phrase, which has.prompted me to write this particular “article” with “no names.or pack-drill, as they say, for obvious reasons, a “heavy-rock Mob” from a lesser-known region of Australia is presently trying to “promote” their “music”(I call it “noise”), to the extent where this totally unmusical friggin! conglomeration of “sound” becomes World-famous. I do not personally care if they call it simply “rock”, which then becomes “hard-rock” & finally “heavy-rock” but, to me, this Heavy-Bloody-Hard-Rock should be left in the ample Desert-areas of this “sun-burn’t brown Land” where, incidentally, IT comes from, in the first place. The World is mad enough, at the moment.. North Korea, for a start, is still living in the “dark ages” when “heavy-rock” bands were unheard ...

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FIGHTING FIRE WITH FIRE – by Desmond Kelly ‘the star of eLanka’ At last, akin to the Earth’s Atmosphere, the “Cold Wars”” like everything else, are getting “warmer” with each passing day. Rhetoric is fine, damned diplomatic solutions are possible only when there are “dinkum bloody diplomats” to solve all the complex situations around the Earth at the moment. Everywhere one looks, there are “WARS” being Waged, Innocents & children being Indiscriminately killed, limbs being smashed to smithereens by landmines, starvation, homelessness, refugees in their thousands, simply trying to re-livel their lives in a foreign Country after being kicked out of their own, a sad World indeed. Things couldn’t get much worse. We thought “Adolph” was bad. but he pales into insignificence beside all these so-called despots. Irresponsible World leaders who are now flaunting Nuclear Missles, Suicide Bombers who are killing themselves as they kill others, Terrorists trying  their best ...

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