SRI LANKA NEWS (JUNE  2024) Compiled by Victor Melder Health experts have raised concerns about the rising use of tobacco products among schoolchildren in Sri Lanka. Speaking on World No-Tobacco Day which fell yesterday (31), Dr. Shakya Nanayakkara, Chairman of the National Dangerous Drugs Control Board, highlighted that tobacco products are becoming increasingly common in schools. Dr. Nanayakkara emphasized that children who become addicted to these products are likely to progress to smoking cigarettes. He also noted the growing popularity of e-cigarettes globally, cautioning that individuals who develop a nicotine habit through e-cigarettes are at a high risk of transitioning to smoking traditional cigarettes. Further, he warned that the ingestion of nicotine can lead to adverse effects such as dizziness, vomiting, and general physical discomfort. As such, Dr. Nanayakkara urged parents and teachers to educate children about the dangers of nicotine and the reasons for its use. (Daily Mirror, 1.6.2024) ...

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Frustration In The North Amidst Reconciliation Rhetoric-By Jehan Perera Jehan Perera Source:Colombotelegraph The frustration within the Tamil polity at the failure of the government to treat them fairly and address their grievances is taking a new turn in parliament. Unable to reason with those who hold the majority of votes, Tamil parliamentarians are taking to non-violent action over words. Those political parties that represent ethnic and religious minorities rarely if ever have sought to physically disrupt the proceedings in parliament, one reason being their paucity of numbers. Almost without exception, physical protest actions in parliament have been the preserve of the ruling party and main opposition parties. The nadir of such clashes was seen in rowdy behavior in parliament during the abortive constitutional coup of 2018 when then Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe was sacked without warning by his erstwhile ally, President Maithripala Sirisena. Parliamentarians belonging to the Tamil and Muslim political ...

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Election enthusiasm grasps Sri Lanka – By Arundathie Abeysinghe   In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way. Franklin D. Roosevelt In politics, nothing is impossible. There are discussions in political circles to scrap the Executive Presidency. Along with this move, there is fear among ordinary citizens, civic groups and trade union activists and opposition parties, if the government will attempt to postpone the Presidential Elections in the guise of enacting constitutional amendments to abolish the Executive Presidency. Yet, postponing elections, Presidential or Parliamentary is unlikely as public opinion is building against such a move. Sri Lanka is abuzz with election fever, although, the presidential election, constitutionally scheduled for this year, has not yet been officially declared. Major political parties are preparing for the Presidential and General Elections, the former due by end 2024. Meanwhile, President Ranil Wickremesinghe has kept his ...

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President Ranil Wickremesinghe visits Sri Lankan Consulate in Western Australia Dr. Rosh Jalagge presented a memento to President Ranil Wickremesinghe Source :island  President Ranil Wickremesinghe, currently in Perth, Australia to attend the 7th Indian Ocean Summit, visited the Sri Lankan Consulate in Western Australia today (10). The President was warmly received by Sri Lanka’s Counsel Dr. Rosh Jalagge and Mrs. Priyanka Gamage. The meeting provided an invaluable opportunity to discuss shared interests between the Consulate and the Sri Lankan community in Western Australia, with a particular focus on advancing economic development initiatives in Sri Lanka. In recognition of the visit, Dr. Rosh Jalagge presented a memento to President Ranil Wickremesinghe. (PMD) ...

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President meets Sri Lankan Diaspora in Australia, outlines plans for economic modernization Source : adaderana President Ranil Wickremesinghe, who is in Australia on a state visit, has met with the Sri Lankan diaspora in Perth. During the interaction, the Sri Lankan leader has provided updates on the nation’s recovery efforts, while outlining strategies for economic modernization. In response, the diaspora has expressed their readiness to assist the Sri Lankan government in boosting economic development across various sectors, such as climate change and tourism. Additionally, President’s Chief-of-Staff Sagala Ratnayaka has detailed plans for establishing the Office of Overseas Sri Lankans. He emphasized that this initiative would provide an avenue for the diaspora to engage constructively with the Government. Ratnayaka also underscored the ongoing IMF program, emphasizing the importance of the diagnostics report released last year. He appealed for the continued backing of the Sri Lankan diaspora in carrying forward the reform program. ...

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High Commissioner – designate Admiral Ravindra Chandrasiri Wijegunaratna (Rtd.) Presents Credentials to the President of Pakistan The newly appointed High Commissioner of Sri Lanka to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Admiral Ravindra C Wijegunaratne (Rtd.) presented credentials to the President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Dr Arif Alvi at a formal ceremony held at Aiwan-e-Sadr (Presidency) in Islamabad on Tuesday, 19 December 2023. The credential ceremony included a guard of honour followed by the presentation of credentials and a cordial discussion with the President of Pakistan. High Commissioner Wijegunaratne conveyed warm greeting from the President of Sri Lanka and highlighted the strong relationship between the two nations in the areas of trade, culture, defence and people to people. The President of Pakistan extended his best wishes to President Ranil Wickremesinghe and the people of Sri Lanka and wished that Sri Lanka will overcome economic challenges soon. He thanked the ...

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David Cameron kicks off Port City Colombo’s global investment drive David Cameron Source:Island Representatives of top corporates in the UAE, accompanied by high-potential investors, property developers, hotel owners, and leaders in the hospitality and real estate industries, converged on the iconic settings of the Ritz Carlton in Abu Dhabi and the Armani Hotel at Burj Khalifa in Dubai to explore, understand, and assess the investment potential of Sri Lanka, with particular emphasis on the transformative Port City Colombo project, a press release said. The release adds: ‘This elite gathering took place in the presence of the ruling families of the UAE, engaging in a structured conversation led by David Cameron, former British Prime Minister, who outlined a compelling case for investing in Sri Lanka. The discussion was moderated by Niranjan de S Deva Aditya, a former British and European MP, currently serving as the Presidential Advisor to the President of ...

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Good News From Jayam  October 1, 2023 Pls Scroll Down 35 items  Autumn Has Arrived – In California Please click on link below for website and past issues Past Presidents of the Sri Lanka America Association of Southern California (SLAASC) (Celebrating 50 Years serving the community-Founded in 1973) Viraj de Silva SLAASC Past President 2017 Indika Pilana Manage SLAASC Past President 2018/2019 Sondra Wise Kumaraperu SLAASC Past President 2020 President Ranil in picture-perfect meeting with Lankans in New York While in New York to address the United Nations General Assembly sessions, President Ranil Wickremesinghe also met the Sri Lanka community there. Most of them not only asked questions about the situation in Sri Lanka but also took photographs of the president and scrambled for selfies with him. Over 600 doctors training abroad due back in two months – Minister Health Minister Keheliya Rambukwella said that due to the shortage ...

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SRI LANKA NEWS (AUGUST  2023) Compiled by Victor Melder. Inflation has decreased to 6.3 percent in July compared to 12 percent in June, said State Finance Minister Shehan Semasinghe. Semasinghe in a tweet added that Food Inflation decreased to -1.4 percent in July from 4.1 percent in June. “Non Food Inflation came down to 10.5 percent in July from 16.2 percent in June. We are regaining stability,” he added. The Department of Census and Statistics yesterday added that Sri Lanka’s Headline Inflation, as measured by the change in the Colombo Consumer Price Index (CCPI), has further decreased to 6.3 percent in July, compared to the previous month. The CCPI-based Inflation was calculated as 12.0 percent for the month of June 2023. “The inflation of Food Group dropped to -1.4 percent in July from 4.1 percent in June 2023, the Department added. (Daily News, 1.8.2023) The Ports, Shipping and Aviation Ministry ...

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Sri Lanka is back in business Tourists at Gangaramaya Temple in Colombo. (Reuters) Source:Dailynews Rising interest rates and falling export demand are blunting the post-COVID economic resurgence of many Asian economies. But for Sri Lanka, the only country in the region to default on its official debt amid the economic squeeze caused by the pandemic and the Ukraine war, these are sunny days” said co-fund manager of Asia Frontier Capital’s AFC Asia Frontier Fund. Ruchir Desai. Tourism revenue and remittances from Sri Lankan workers overseas have come roaring back. Inflation, which reached 70% last September, was back down to 6.3% in July. As a result, the Central Bank of Sri Lanka has cut its benchmark interest rate by 4.5 percentage points since June. ...

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