Drill Baby Drill! Uncle Sam’s strategy of elbowing his way to the front of energy markets – By Hemantha Yapa Abeywardena Source : oilfutures On October 6, 1973, coalition of Arab countries, comprising Egypt, Syria and Jordan launched a surprise attack on Israel that ultimately developed into a full-blown war between the Jewish state and Arabs. The war, known as Yom Kippur War or Ramadan war, inadvertently motivated the United States explore ways and means to reach a status of energy independence; the embargo, in this context, was a blessing in disguise, indeed. Exactly like what it is doing today, the US extended its ‘ironclad’ support to Israel to defend itself from the collective onslaught on the Middle Eastern battle front in 1973. It, however, came at a price – a huge price, to be more accurate. The Arab members of the OPEC, Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries, known as OAPEC, ...