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Tony Brent created a splash in the music scene of the 1950s; his songs ring true even today. But the singer’s journey through life is yet to find a chronicler, writes Mathures Paul https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pozZzjZQJ1k&lc=z23eehiofwizgxb5r04t1aokgahhqkvfnhjqnygsq5thrk0h00410 The saddest part of a show is the overture. What begins must come to an end. And Tony Brent knew this well. For most, it is a forgotten, if not unheard name. He did the disappearing act from music charts many decades ago. But he recorded in a few years what most contemporary singers would record in a few lifetimes. Walkin’ to Missouri, The Game of Love, In My Little Room, Cindy, Oh Cindy, Forever My Darling, Don’t Save Your Love for a Rainy Day… Brent records are classics. After all these years we wonder where he is. What happened after the 1960s? Where did he begin? How did it all end? There are questions galore ...

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A well- known phrase from the 50’s. I remember it vividly. In the days of Bill Haley & his “Comets”, a very clever “Group” name, rather than names such as the “Sex-Pistols,”, & “Hoobastank” which stank to the heavens, names such as the “Semi-tones”was wisely chosen because this “group”, of which “your’s truly” was the leader, knew full-well that, as they grew older and became even more popular? , than most of the other “groups” around at the time, they would have to sing their songs a “semi-tone” lower, unless they wanted to “yodel”.      The “Semi-tones”, in case you were now wondering who the hell they were, not necessarily in order of merit, were Charley Schokman, Rogan Kelly, Conrad de Silva & Desmond Kelly. Charley Schokman who now resides in London, was the “bass-tone”, Rogan Kelly was the “counter-tenor” (tone), Conrad de Silva was the main “tenor-harmony”(tone) & “your’s ...

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With the so-called “Social-Media” out & around as it is today, with the never-ending predictions of doom & gloom coming to us from sooth-sayers the World over, with every bit of news, big or small “BREAKING” on our television screens, this writer, for, & on behalf of our Lankan/Aussie website,eLanka,has decided to give all of you out there, certain points of view in reference to YOU. Pardon the “poetry” folks, but this is what I DO.! To make it interesting, let’s do it “ALPHABETICALLY”. “A”   Anyone who is Anyone, is born, And then dies. “B” Brag not. No-one with Brains, Believes a Braggart.! “C”  Counsel only those who will Credit from Counsel. “D”  Depend not, on anyone, born alone, you Die alone. “E”  Experience comes from “age”. Nowhere Else. “F”  Find salvation ONLY  through the Father (GOD). “G”  Guess not. Certainty should be your ultimate Goal. “H”  Hang your hat on ...

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If you travel along Kandy Colombo road, turn off to Kirindiwela road. A few miles from there you would be surprised to see a restaurant that offers meals for just one price. You can eat as much as you like for just one price. Sounds not bad at all. There are plenty of choices as well. One morning we went there then there were milk rice, appa, pittu, string hoppers and pol roti and many more. I am sure Sri Lankans know exactly what I mean. I cannot name them all here so why not drop in there and see for yourself.  They have extended their branches to Mount Lavinia as well. Then once we dropped in there for lunch, I couldn’t believe the choice of dishes and different kinds of rice available, just for one price. Now may be they have more branches as well. One thing, the takeaway ...

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What, with the “same-sex” marriage controversy quickly coming to a head in Australia, I thought it necessary that our eLanka readers be given some. sort of insight into a 3-way love affair that , unlike the usual love affairs between boy & girl & boy & boy, or girl & girl, was strangely frowned upon in our modern Western Society & still is, believe it or not.       “Same-Sex” love affairs have been going on since the year “dot”, The same applies to love affairs of “heterosexual” couples. In many other Countries, a man was permitted to have a “harem” with as many wives/or lovers as he could afford, half his bloody luck, but, generally having 3,4 & 5 way love affairs were strictly forbidden, but did that stop us ?, no, not on your Nelly, Kelly. As far as this writer was concerned, of course, they were strictly ...

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