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“OLD CEYLON” The resplendent Isle. Part 2 – by Desmond Kelly ‘Star of eLanka’ To “carry on” from the beautiful photographs of old Ceylon, featured on the award-winning “eLanka” website that I am so very proud of, as recently as the week, past, I am now happy to bring “our readers” the above, also, now featuring my Original Composition,  “Ceylon, my Island of dreams”, from the “Ultimate DVD”, also featured on eLanka, which is available for you good readers out there, TOTAL benefits going to a little Convent in Tangalle, Lanka, aptly named “Kuda-Kusum” (little flowers), orphan-girls who are totally reliant on our help, in order to survive. I was more than happy to do this, through eLanka & especially Michael Fernandez of the “Lanka-Times” of which I remain the Editor. This particular “article” on-line, gives readers more insight on the Country that we were born in, only to reluctantly ...

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“A SAD CHAOSMAS” – By Desmond Kelly ‘the Star of eLanka’ A happy Christmas, for most of us, a sad chaosmas for those unlucky folk, run down by a lunatic in Melbourne Town, very recently. While I do not particularly want this article “on-line”, via eLanka, simply because it’s just another “bad-news” one, (God knows we have had too many, in 2017 anyway), however, why this happened, how it happened, & how it could be possibly be “stopped” from happening, at all, starting next year, is my reason for writing this one.       I has to be quite obvious that the latest W.O.D.(weapon of destruction) is the common motor vehicle. This seems to be the easiest, most convenient way for any “nut-case” to carry out his/her evil plans of killing people. A “vehicle”, so commonly seen by so many, on our roads every single day, would be something ...

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“ONCE IN A BLUE MOON” – By Desmond Kelly ‘the Star of eLanka’ Image Source: You Tube – Kenneth Olsson Another favourite Lankan phrase, not heard of, in OZ,but suddenly, “out of the blue”, so to speak, this writer was doing what he loves to do, this time, very early in the am, on Christmas Eve, listening to some “old” Country Music on “you-tube”, when “memories” wafted me.back to someone I had listened to, back in the early 60’s. Many “Country” lovers still remember him, singing perhaps a bit nasally, but still singing songs that will never be forgotten, I suppose.      His name was Hank Snow. The song was called :- “When our blue moon turns to gold again”, This particular “version” stands out because he is singing with another favourite of mine, the famous Anita Carter, beautiful, talented member of the “Carter family”.       The song was written by ...

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What happens to the alcohol you drink? – Good advice by Dr Harold It is festive season and almost everybody has fun and interacts socially with friends and alcohol seems to be the link for such festivities. Imagine going to a party and no alcohol to drink, and that would be the dullest and boring interaction, as well go for meditation. Now what happens when you drink your first glass of Scotch? 20 percent of that Scotch gets absorbed from your stomach into your blood stream and the rest is absorbed through your small bowel. ...

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Shen Yun – Sydney Lyric Theatre – (7-11 February 2018) A Gift from Heaven IN ANCIENT TIMES, China was known as the Land of the Divine. Everyone, from emperors to the common people, believed that their culture was a gift from heaven. They lived in harmony with the universe and saw a connection among all things. Traditional Chinese culture carried these principles for thousands of years—until this world was lost. We now invite you to visit this lost civilization. To make this journey possible, we have pushed the boundaries of performing arts. We combine ancient legends with technological innovations, and historically authentic costumes with breathtaking animated backdrops. We let classical Chinese dance do the storytelling, and share with you beautifully diverse ethnic and folk traditions. Filled with an enchanting orchestral sound, this is a mesmerizing experience you won’t find anywhere else. Tickets: Sydney Lyric Theatre: Feb 7–11, 2018 Contact: Alice Wong ...

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Health and views – Christmas issue 2017 – By Dr Harold Gunatillake May I wish all of you who have supported me ‘For the sharing & Caring’ by circulating these collections of Health issues and articles to benefit so many readers over the years. Our readership is over 11,000 world-wide with the support of ‘eLanka web-site’ authored by Neil Jayasekera (Sydney), & by Desmond Kelly & Victor Melder (Melbourne) Merry Christmas Cheers with a glass of red wine Harold ...

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eLanka Website in Feedspot Top 50 Sri Lanka News Websites Great News! – Thanks to all our eLanka Members in assisting us to reach top 50!. Thank You! The Best Sri Lanka News Websites from thousands of top Sri Lanka News Websites in the Feedspot index using search and social metrics. Data will be refreshed once a week. These blogs are ranked based on following criteria Google reputation and Google search ranking Influence and popularity on Facebook, twitter and other social media sites Quality and consistency of posts. Feedspot’s editorial team and expert review           ...

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