
Some say frying red chillies is good for stress release because it makes you sneeze, cough out yellow stuff from the chest and throat then tears drooling from the eyes and many more. By Dr Hector Perera: London I received lots of emails from Sri Lanka then from other countries as well after watching my energy saving cooking programme in Sirasa TV in Sri Lanka. They all appreciated my attempt to save energy and to avoid any smell depositing on them while cooking. I replied to many then one University graduate from Matara Sri Lanka also send me an email after watching my energy saving cooking in Sirasa TV. She said that she followed my method to cook in order to save energy and avoid any smell depositing while cooking. I replied to them, glad you all understood the fact that I didn’t open the chicken curry like most Sri ...

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Is Butter healthy for you? Written by Dr harold Gunatillake-Health writer There was butter always on the dining table the container immersed in another vessel with water to keep away the insects in the old days in our homes. That butter was golden yellow in colour and had a very special dairy taste, shipped from New-Zealand. ...

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 eLanka – Your Life Choice “SPECIAL” Folks, the “Same-Sex” plebiscite in Oz. is no more, by the look of it. People will not be able to “vote” it in or out, not until 2017 or 2018 at least, so let us now change to “Aged-Sex”which, unfortunately, is right up my alley, especially as I am now “aged” myself and, still being “straight”(?), , found the “Sex and Older Women” very interesting indeed, and the “comments” even more so. This “subject” is fraught with “wide & various positions”, please pardon the phrase. With older women, positions do not matter too much. Their problems are, unfortunately more “internal” ones, while older men, especially those with diseases such as “Ankylosin Spondylitis” & other ailments brought on by Mr.Arthur Itis, find that simple “positions” introduced by Missionaries of old are now almost impossible, although this can be remedied by women, who generally want to be ...

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Are you deficient in Vitamin D? by Dr Harold Gunatillake This is a very important vitamin necessary to every cell in the body for its normal functions in fact every cell has an opening or receptor to vitamin D. Vitamin D is manufactured in your skin from cholesterol in your body. How do you find out whether you are deficient in vitamin D? Dark people make less vitamin D in their skin due to the barrier action of the pigment layer in the basal layer of the outer skin preventing UV rays of the sun getting into the deeper layers of the skin. Furthermore, dark people avoid the sun generally. White people need only about 20 minute exposure to the sun for an adequate requirement of vitamin D ...

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THE KANDY CLOCK TOWER The story behind this clock tower is a tragic one The story behind this clock tower is a tragic one. The Ismail clock tower which was built in 1947 by the Ismail Family ( Haji Mohomed Ismail) in memory of his beloved son Mohomed Zacky Ismail who lost his life in Kadugannawa on the 14th Aug 1947. The clock tower is a historic monument and marks the center of the Kandy city. The tower was opened by the then premier of Sri Lanka Hon. D.S Senanayaka and the mayor of Kandy in the presence of the family members. All the machinery and equipment needed for this project was imported from the United Kingdom and the land was acquired by the Kandy Municipal Council. ...

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How would you differentiate between a heart attack and heart burn ? Dr Harold Gunethilake   This is something that every householder must be aware of. I had the experience recently when my wife at 2 am complained of chest pain and also burning sensation in the chest after returning from a dinner party at a friend’s home. She said, for the first time she had two glasses of white wine. Having had stents in the coronary vessels, anyone would suspect a recurrent heart attack due to blockage of one or more coronary vessels. I was about to call the ambulance, but then when I questioned further she said, she had bloating of the stomach, but she was not breathless. Remember, any person having a heart attack will be breathless, and not in heartburn. It is unlikely that heart attack will present with bloating or belching of the stomach. This ...

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Fashion in Focus – All That Is Old Makes A Come Back By Sharmila Jayasinghe Niriella Suddenly Vintage is everywhere! On television, in our homes and even stealing a march on the runway are all things retro and vintage. From Polaroids to Pokemon even to home furnishing, its on – All that is old is making a come back! The biggest impact of the comeback is seen in the fashion industry. Fashonistas everywhere are caught up in this latest, hottest trend of sporting that old-fashioned glamour look. From the large bouncy curls to her “to die for” accessories, true devotee of all things vintage, the burlesque dancer, Dita Von Teesse to the shocking red lipstick and the retro clothes of Katy Perry in pretty much every colour of the rainbow and beyond to Anne Hathaway’s 50’s style rock and roll jeans to the entire wardrobe of Mad Men’s female cast, ...

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HIGH COMMISSIONER VISITS ‘Victor Melder Sri Lanka Library’ The Sri Lankan High Commissioner to Australia, H. E. Mr Somasundaram Skandakumar, in the company of Mr W.G.S. Prasanna, Sri Lanka Consul General in Melbourne, paid a Courtesy call to the ‘Victor Melder Sri Lanka Library’, situated at my home, to acquaint themselves of my effort in promoting Sri Lanka in Australia. This library has been in existence for 48 years and has grown from one publication to over 5,000 today and is a store house of information on Sri Lanka. For your information please. Victor Monday, 7 November 2016, 5.00pm, AEDST ...

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Eggs and Diabetes, to Eat or Not to Eat ? Dr Hector Perera London Eggs can be fully boiled or half boiled in water or better make omelettes because it taste better. Eggs are a versatile food and a great source of protein, and the American Diabetes Association considers eggs an excellent choice for people with diabetes. That’s primarily because one large egg contains about half a gram of carbohydrates, so it is thought that they aren’t going to raise your blood sugar. We know the fact, eggs are high in cholesterol and still people eat them on regular basis. One large egg contains nearly 200 mg of cholesterol, but whether or not this negatively affects the body is debatable. Monitoring your cholesterol is important if you have diabetes because diabetes is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. This can be easily done at the hospital with a blood test ...

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