Thilanka Rathnayake already a giant in untangling social media, engraving out professions – by Sunil Thenabadu Image Source :twitter Social Media in today’s context has grown to be an inherent area of our souls. It has obviously transformed the manner humans connect but also shifted the way business is performed across the world, making way for redesigning via innovation like earlier. It is why we are that is also why it’s developing progressively further important to get it spot on. Thilanka Rathnayake s an old boy of prestigious Royal College ,Colombo, has had his higher education in the hospitality sector, then having an interest in marketing and photography but decided to carve out a comparatively a new career path in Sri Lanka, venturing as the Founder and Managing Director of Devotion Social Media Agency predominantly as a Social media Consultant as well as a Political Analyst .Thilanka proudly recollects how he ...