A Ceylon Cricket Eleven in Late 1958 …. Its Ethnic Mix-by Michael Roberts Source:Thuppahis Having come across “a drenching cricket story” from late in the year 1958 in my CRICKETIQUE website, let me place it within THUPPAHI for reflection because the Cricketique site can be visited and read… BUT is not readily open for comments or visited much. The LEAD PHOTO is of considerable significance because of the ethnic mix in Sri Lankan team — inclusive of a Malay man and another with Colombo Chetty lineage roots. ITEM originally in CRICKETIQUE, 22 December 2020, with this title “Facing Peter May’s MCC Side in Ceylon in 1958” A Sri Lankan enthusiast sent me this photograph of a Ceylon Eleven chosen to face a visiting England Team in 1958. I have sought out background information from two of those framed within this picture ….. and seek more data (and hopefully photographs) from cricketing aficianados with good memories and ...